Courses in English
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International Experience >
Incoming Mobility (Exchange Students & Faculty) >
Courses in English
Courses in English
List of available courses for 2024/2025
Use filters to search courses according to the number of ECTS, cycle of studies, semester and language.
When choosing the courses, please be aware of the following:
- Bachelor (1st cycle) students can only enroll in 1st cycle courses. Master (2nd cycle) students
can enroll in courses of both cycles - Due to the high number of offered courses, some of the classes may overlap. Students should not choose overlapping subjects, as all scheduled classes are mandatory
- There is a limited number of exchange students accepted per course
- Only when duly justified, are students allowed to sign up for courses amounting to more than 30 ECTS credits
Schedule of classes at Iscte - Breaks
The breaks between classes are the following (for scheduling purposes, these breaks are not indicated in the Fenix+ system):
International Office
(+351) 210 464 331