
Abertura do Ano Letivo
"Kick Off" Event for Iscte Business School Master Students

After the end of the application period, it was time to welcome new master students with a very special “Kick Off” event, which took place from September 5th to 10th. With the priority of guaranteeing the safety of new students, but simultaneously facilitating their integration, the event happened on a mixed format (online and in person) and students were divided into groups, distributed over different days of the week.

The new students had the possibility of meeting the Director of Iscte Business School, Maria João Cortinhal, the directors of their master's programs and the activities of the Students Union (AEISCTE) and Iscte Junior Consulting. In addition, they were able to get familiar with the international opportunities available throughout their studies (double degrees, exchanges and short-term programs), as well as all the tools, events and workshops offered by the Career Services office, which has the goal of supporting students on their career development.

Finally, the students got to know each other through several team building activities (online and in person), and the event ended with a video tour of the Iscte campus.

Master's classes at Iscte Business School will now start between 7 and 14 September, in a mixed format (in person and online), with rotating shifts. The School wishes new students a positive learning and integration experience and advises them to take advantage of all the opportunities available along their academic path!

The Kick Off photos can be viewed by clicking this link!