Engagement & Impact

Sustainability is a core value for Iscte Business School, guiding its strategy and relationship with institutional partners. In this sense, in line with the United Nations Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development, Iscte Business School considers essential the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), in a scenario of eradicating poverty, protecting the environment and promoting prosperity and well-being for all by 2030.
Sustainable and responsible management inspires the school's daily activities. The school understands that it is its duty to contribute to the achievement of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and to educate, engage and develop a responsible consciousness that will leave a better legacy for the next generations.
In order to promote the integration of sustainability contents in curricular units in the three study cycles, it is available in the Fénix system of Iscte the possibility of associating the Curricular Unit to the Sustainable Development Goals. You can find more information here!

Intellectual Impact:
- Foster impactful research and dissemination:
In addition to the School's focus on publications in top-ranked journals, the School will make efforts to close the gap between research production and research impact. Thus, the School will also emphasize more on the societal benefits of research, more precisely the benefits that research brings to the economy, individual and community well-being, and the environment.
Educational Impact:
- Enable an innovative and engaged education:
Iscte Business School’s educational commitment is to continue inspiring and supporting engaged learners to acquire knowledge and develop skills on how to act at local, regional and global levels, for the well-being of people and with respect to the Planet. Labour markets are and will continue to undergo profound and disruptive changes to keep pace with the green and digital transition. Undergraduate and graduate learners will be required to excel in digital, global and multidisciplinary work environments, embrace tech-intensive jobs, and devise efficient and effective solutions to complex societal problems. The School´s challenge is to provide education that fulfills these market needs by providing a learning environment that enhances learners’ experience and job placement.
Community Ecosystem Impact:
- Promote global responsibility among the School´s community of stakeholders:
As a member of the Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME), as well as the Globally Responsible Leadership Initiative (GRLI) and the Global Business School Network (GBSN), the School has been committed to contributing to its community of stakeholders, which includes internal and external stakeholders, in a responsible manner. Bearing in mind how societal challenges more than ever demand transformational actions at individual, collective and systemic levels, the School recognizes the increasing need for implementing a systematic approach to engage its community in activities that support the required transformational actions.
- Facilitate lifelong learning:
In an ever-evolving world, educational and careers paths are vague, which demands for continuing and lifelong learning. Being committed to people, organizations and society at large, the School acknowledges its role on helping people achieving their personal and professional goals.
- Reinforce the School’s international engagement:
In an ever-changing and globalized world, internationalization plays a crucial role in the School’s strategic development. Aligned with its mission, the School is committed not only to forming well-prepared citizens ready to embrace multicultural environments, but also to boost international research activities. Over the next years, the school will also seek to position itself as a triple-accredited business school.

- Teaching
- Research
- Campus Operations
- Outreach
- Partnerships and community engagement Cross sector dialogue

Iscte's Sustainability Policy
Within the scope of the mission defined in the Integrated Quality Assurance System (SIGQ), in the context of Iscte's teaching and learning activities, research and interaction with society, and respecting the limits and opportunities intrinsic to natural and human ecosystems:
To involve, in an inclusive and participative way, the Iscte community and other stakeholders in the definition, implementation and evaluation of actions leading to the improvement of its performance in the different dimensions of Sustainability;
To create, transmit and share scientific knowledge related to Sustainability in the scientific domains of Management, Finance, Accounting, Economics, Quantitative Methods, Anthropology, Social Psychology, Sociology, History, Political Science and Public Policies, Information Technology and Architecture, training highly qualified professionals with skills to understand their responsibilities and create opportunities for improvement, enhancing positive impacts on the environment, society and economy;
Integrate environmental protection and respect for the principles of social responsibility into strategic planning and annual activity plans, assuming an ethical and transparent conduct in the fulfillment of the institutional mission from a local and global perspective;
Improve its environmental impact by adjusting support processes and campus operations to reduce resource use and the production of waste and emissions, preventing pollution, and improving the quality of campus life;
Manage social responsibility aspects and associated impacts, undertaking control or influence actions;
To meet and respect the applicable legal requirements, as well as additional requirements that we decide to subscribe to or implement, in the different dimensions of Sustainability;
Continuously evaluate and improve Iscte's performance by monitoring measurable indicators and conducting regular audits;
Continuously improve the QMS (quality, environment, and social responsibility) to improve performance.
Governance for Sustainability
The governance model for sustainability of the Integrated Quality Assurance System reports to the Vice-Rector for Information Systems and Quality. It is organized around four key areas: Teaching, Research, Campus, and Interaction with Society.
For more information access here:
There are three working groups dedicated to the dimensions: People, Planet and Prosperity. These working groups include interested faculty, staff, students and alumni, as well as the Director and Sustainability Manager, who ensure coherence and a holistic approach to sustainability at Iscte. The idea is to have specialized groups in each dimension, responsible for developing, monitoring and reviewing the plan, among other tasks.
The groups are also responsible for implementing standards that may be certifiable, such as
- ISO 14001:2015 certification - Environmental Management System coordinated by the Planet work group
- NP4469:2019 - Social Responsibility Certification, led by the People working group.
Once these two dimensions are more consolidated, the Prosperity working group developed its own plan, fully aligned with the SDGs. The three plans were subsequently integrated into a single Sustainability Plan.
Sustainability Certifications
Iscte has an integrated management system comprising Quality Management Systems (ISO 9001:2015), Environmental Management (ISO 14001:2015) and Social Responsibility (NP 4469:2019).
In 2018 the School was recognized as the first Portuguese University with Environmental Certification. After 10 years of its quality management system, Iscte saw its strategic commitment to sustainability recognized by being considered the first Portuguese University with Environmental Certification, according to ISO 14001:2015 standards.
In 2020, it was awarded the certification of the management system of Social Responsibility and Quality and Environment. Iscte reinforced its institutional commitment to sustainability through a second certification, now for the dimension of the Social Responsibility management system, according to the Portuguese standard NP 4469:2019. The Quality and Environment certification was also renewed.
In 2021, Iscte renewed the certification of the Environmental Management System according to ISO 14001:2015 and maintained the certification of the Quality Management Systems (ISO 9001:2015) and Social Responsibility (NP 4469:2019).
In addition to accreditations and ranking at the university level, the Business School in particular has participated in the Positive Impact Rating (PIR), which evaluates the social impact of higher education institutions in the area of sustainability, as assessed by its students.
Iscte Business School stood out in the 2021 edition of the PIR. According to the results presented, the school reached Level 4 (out of 5) of the PIR, which granted it the classification of "Transforming School". This is a distinction awarded to universities that have a culture of positive impact embedded in their management and culture and as a model of good practice and engagement with the community.
In 2020 and 2021, Iscte was ranked in THE University Impact Rankings, a pioneering initiative by Times Higher Education, which aims to capture new unique perspectives on universities' work towards the UN SDGs.
These results reflect Iscte's commitment to the UN Sustainable Development Goals and also the university's continuous effort in the quality of its activities. These include a strong investment in its sustainability policies and actions.
2020 - Iscte in the top 400 world rankings
In 2020, Iscte ranked in the top 400 in the world ranking, with 8 of the 9 SDGs defined in this edition of the ranking. More than 768 institutions from 85 countries participated. The greatest distinction is in SDGs 1, 9, 11 and 12, ensuring a place in the Top 200.
In 2021, Iscte was ranked in the top 300 in the world ranking, with 8 of the 9 SDGs defined in this edition of the ranking. More than 1118 institutions from 94 countries participated. The highest distinction is registered in the Responsible Consumption and Production indicator, in which Iscte was ranked 63rd, ensuring a place in the Top 100. In turn, the position in SDG 1, 5, 9, 11, 16 and 17 was between 101 and 200.
On November 12, 2020, World Quality Day, Iscte published its first sustainability report, which seeks to communicate the institution's performance in its various dimensions: Planet (Environment), People (Social), and Prosperity (Economic).
Iscte Business School:
PRME SIP - Sharing information on progress:
Iscte Business School has several associations with national and international entities, which contribute to a more sustainable School and prepared to deal with future challenges!
View here the international partnerships of Iscte Business School in the field of sustainability.

Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME)
Iscte Business School was recognized as a member of PRME in February 2011, distinguishing itself as an institution dedicated to creating ethical, effective and holistic leaders for the 21st century. The School is committed to integrating the Principles for Responsible Management Education, leading the way in developing new ways of teaching and skills needed in the evolving, increasingly complex and global business environments of the 21st century.
The Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME) are an initiative of the United Nations Global Compact. Its mission is to inspire global management education, research and thought leadership.
For more information press here:
The six PRME principles are inspired by internationally accepted values, such as the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact. They seek to establish a process of continuous improvement among management education institutions in order to develop a new generation of business leaders capable of managing the complex challenges facing business and society today.
For more information on the School's progress report on these commitments, go to this link.

PRME Chapter Iberia:
Iscte Business School is part of the PRME Chapter Iberia Steering Committee, which is leading the design, launch, and implementation of the Strategic Plan 2022-2025 and aims to meet the key objectives of the PRME Chapter Iberia.
Please see the brochure and website.

GRACE - Responsible Business
Iscte Business School is associated with GRACE since 2022, offering training for employees and teachers in the area of social responsibility and sustainability, as well as an initiative for students.
For more information access here.

MBA in Sustainable Management
A program jointly organized by Iscte Business School and Iscte Executive Education and entirely created from scratch to provide a unique way to combine a strong scientific and practical component in the areas of management and sustainability, aiming to contribute to responding to problems of a varied and increasingly interconnected nature, which are faced by managers, executives and professionals responsible for making decisions in this context. Aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals, this program aims to help organizations and companies advance the 2030 Agenda. For more information, click here: MBA in Sustainable Management.