
Institutional • 12 Nov 2020
Iscte Launches Its First Sustainability Report on World Quality Day
Iscte Business School
Ala Autónoma, Office 235
(+351) 210 464 014

On November 12, on the World Quality Day, Iscte published its first sustainability report, with the goal of communicating the university’s performance on the different dimensions of sustainability: Planet (Environment), People (Social) and Prosperity (Economic).


Maria de Lurdes Rodrigues, rector of Iscte, summarizes Iscte’s path towards a sustainable future: “Iscte was founded, in 1972, with a main concern – Portugal’s economic and social development. We know today that this vision must be expanded. Economic and social problems cannot be separated from environmental conditions and the Portuguese reality cannot be analyzed without understanding the international context in which it is inserted. It was in this context that Iscte made a commitment to sustainability in the last decade. Beginning in 2012, with a group dedicated to Social Responsibility, we reinforced our work in the environmental area on 2016, which allowed us to be the first Portuguese university to achieve ISO 14001: 2015 environmental certification in 2018.

In 2019, we started the preparation of a social responsibility management system, with the goal of obtaining certification in 2020. We have a sustainability policy that covers all the dimensions of this concept, in alignment with the United Nations Agenda 2030, which represents a common vision for all humanity. Our activity is oriented towards the Sustainable Development Goals, thus contributing to this “decade of action” that begins in 2020. We want to help transform the world, leaving for future generations a healthier planet, where societies are prosperous, inclusive and well governed”.

Therefore, “this report reflects the work carried out at Iscte in the years 2018 and 2019. With the support of the Rectory and the collaboration of the academic community, it has been possible to reflect and act on sustainability in a transversal way and contribute to a more efficient and sustainable use of Iscte Campus equipment and infrastructure. Iscte will continue to be, as it always has been, a place where we teach our students, staff and partners, so that together we can contribute to a better world”.


For Iscte's Director of Sustainability, Catarina Roseta Palma, “in the last two years the work developed at Iscte regarding sustainability has been gaining recognition. Our community has created several initiatives, integrating sustainability concerns not only on campus but also in teaching programs, in the research produced and in interaction with society. This report was difficult to write, for a good reason - it was necessary to select, from many contributions, the ones that best portrayed our activity in 2018 and 2019. It is with great joy that we now share this portrait (.. .). The word “sustain” implies a concern for what is to come. Designing the future, for us, is being able to manage what is easy and what is difficult, what is safe and what is unexpected. In a difficult context like the current one, we count on the energy and dedication of everyone to continue on this path”.


The full report is accessible here (in Portuguese).