
Iscte - University Institute of Lisboa filled all the undergraduate positions in its 25 degree courses, in the Sintra and Lisbon campuses, in the first phase of the National Competition for Access to Higher Education for the 2022-23 academic year.
Iscte was the university that most increased the number of vacancies in percentage - 16.4% -, having filled them all, and also reinforced its leadership in the "Strength Index", the indicator that measures the relation between the vacancies filled and the first choices of the students: Iscte registered 187.98% points in this index, i.e., the large majority of the placed students chose the Iscte courses as their first choice.
The 2022-23 academic year constitutes a milestone in the life of Iscte, with the beginning of the activity of its Sintra school, dedicated to Digital Technologies, Economy and Society, with an initial portfolio of eight degrees: Software and Applications Development; Applied Mathematics for Digital Transformation; Politics, Economy and Society; Educational Digital Technologies; Digital Technologies and Management; Digital Technologies and Artificial Intelligence; Digital Technologies and Health; Digital Technologies and Security (Cyber Security).