
Iscte Business School successfully hosted the first Ecopreneurship Hackathon as part of the highly anticipated Venture Week. The event took place on November 16th and 17th, 2023, providing intense hours of creativity, sustainability, and entrepreneurship for participants.
During the Hackathon, groups of Iscte students were challenged to develop innovative solutions that promote sustainability and innovation. The competition sparked creative and strategic thinking, encouraging participants to present proposals addressing environmental and social challenges.
The final stage of the event highlighted two teams that pitched their projects to a distinguished panel of judges, including faculty members from Iscte Business School and Andreia Criner, CEO of LiveCom and Communication Manager of the MEO Kalorama Festival.
Team EUREKA, composed of Felix Sewing, Paul Sillich, and Max Muller-Bohm, shone brightly by securing the first-place position. In addition to recognition, the group was awarded coveted tickets to the MEO Kalorama Festival 2024, along with other prizes.

In second place, the JFK Holdings team, consisting of students James McLeod, Filipe Batista, and Kaviesen Kathir, also received accolades for the excellence of their pitch.

The event culminated in a celebratory atmosphere, with all participants being congratulated for their dedication, creativity, and efforts in promoting sustainable ideas. Iscte Business School reiterated its commitment to innovation and sustainability, emphasizing the importance of events like the Ecopreneurship Hackathon in inspiring future business leaders to think responsibly and ecologically.

Congratulations to all participants for contributing to the success of this inaugural Ecopreneurship Hackathon during Iscte Business School's Venture Week.