João Manuel Vilas Boas da Silva
- Profile
- Academic Activities
- Scientific Activities
- Other Activities
- Organisational structuring, Business Process Redesign
- Structuring and design of manufacturing systems, lean production
- Competitive and sustainable operations & supply management
- Virtual organisations
- Enterprise systems, ERPs, MRPs,...
- Innovation and change programmes
- Product service-systems, Servitization
- Strategy: manufacturing, IS/IT, corporate
- Research methodologies, Soft Systems Methodology
Type | Program | Institution | Year |
PhD | Manufacturing Systems Engineering | Cranfield University (UK) | 2002 |
Post-graduation | Software Engineering | Open University (UK) | 1996 |
Post-graduation | Structure and Design of Manufacturing Systems | Open University (UK) | 1996 |
Post-graduation | Manufacturing Management | Open University (UK) | 1996 |
Post-graduation | Quality Management | Open University (UK) | 1996 |
Advanced Studies | Certificate in Advanced English (CAE) | University of Cambridge | 1994 |
M.Sc. | Manufacturing Systems Engineering | Cranfield University (UK) | 1991 |
Post-graduation | Post-graduation in Industrial Engineering | INETI - Instituto Nacional de Engenharia e Tecnologia Industrial (incorporado no LNEG) | 1988 |
Licenciate | Engenharia Mecânica | Instituto Superior Técnico - UTL | 1986 |
Curricular Courses
Phd Thesis
José Francisco Marcos Manjate, "ESTUDO LONGITUDINAL DA ADEQUABILIDADE DA ESTRUTURA ORGANIZACIONAL", João Manuel Vilas Boas da Silva, Phd Thesis, Concluded, 2016
José Francisco Marcos Manjate, "Estudo longitudinal da adequabilidade da estrutura organizacional ao negócio: O caso da PETROMOC, SARL", João Manuel Vilas Boas da Silva, Phd Thesis, Concluded, 2016
Martin Balint, "", João Manuel Vilas Boas da Silva, Phd Thesis,
Jicheng Xing, "", João Manuel Vilas Boas da Silva, Phd Thesis,
Nuno Alexandre Costa, "", João Manuel Vilas Boas da Silva, Phd Thesis,
Andreas Deitmer, "Developing and enquiring tool to assess digital accessibility needs in multinational", João Manuel Vilas Boas da Silva, Phd Thesis,
Agostinho Manuel Antunes da Silva, ""O papel das tecnologias digitais na inovação em redes colaborativas - o sector das rochas ornamentais em Portugal"", João Manuel Vilas Boas da Silva, Phd Thesis,
Nuno Alexandre da Conceição Costa, "Key drivers of project management success when applied to temporary multi-organisations", João Manuel Vilas Boas da Silva, Phd Thesis,
Jicheng Xing, "Comparison Study on Eco-Industrial Parks - Under Circular Economy Paradigms", João Manuel Vilas Boas da Silva, Phd Thesis,
Martin Balint, "Exploring the environment sustainability capabilities and resource management strategies of German third-party logistics providers", João Manuel Vilas Boas da Silva, Phd Thesis,
Sabine Martaller, "Information and communication technology related enabler on improving pharmaceutical supply chain performance", João Manuel Vilas Boas da Silva, Phd Thesis,
Master Thesis
Yanhang Qiu, "Medição da Experiência do Cliente com base em Revisões de Comércio Electrónico: O Estudo de Caso Pedagógico de LOOKFANTASTIC®", João Manuel Vilas Boas da Silva, Master Thesis, Concluded, 2022
Kexing Wang, "Desenvolvimento de um modelo empresarial reflectindo o impacto da Quarta Revolução Industrial: o caso das empresas farmacêuticas chinesas", João Manuel Vilas Boas da Silva, Master Thesis, Concluded, 2022
Vicente Manita Santos Mota, "Melhorar a performance de departamentos de urgências em hospitais através do uso de simulação", João Manuel Vilas Boas da Silva, Master Thesis, Concluded, 2020
Nicolò Lo Gaglio, "Desenvolvimento de um Modelo de Negócio para a I4.0 apoiado por modelos de análise de dados", João Manuel Vilas Boas da Silva, Master Thesis, Concluded, 2020
Jones Alexandre Barros Soares, "Cabotagem como Complemento na Matriz de Transportes: Uma Análise dos Desafios para seu Crescimento no Sistema de Transportes Brasileiro no Século 21", João Manuel Vilas Boas da Silva, Master Thesis, Concluded, 2019
Roberto Palazzotto, "Análise dos Modelos de Negocios para Plataformas IoT", João Manuel Vilas Boas da Silva, Master Thesis, Concluded, 2019
João Miguel Rodrigues Simões, "Avaliação de Modelos de Negócio Inovadores em PME: A servitização dos fabricantes de tecnologia de produção avançada para as rochas ornamentais", João Manuel Vilas Boas da Silva, Master Thesis, Concluded, 2017
Joana Gomes de Almeida Soares, "Identificação dos Requisitos Sociais Necessários para a Criação de uma Organização Virtual Dinâmica: O caso das PAM", João Manuel Vilas Boas da Silva, Master Thesis, Concluded, 2017
Carlos Filipe da Silva Rodrigues, "Greencitrus - Desenvolvimento de Novos Produtos", João Manuel Vilas Boas da Silva, Master Thesis, Concluded, 2015
Tatiana Filipa de Almeida Loio, "IMPACTO DE UM NOVO MODELO NO ABASTECIMENTO DE CAIXAS E MOTORES NUMA MONTAGEM DE AUTOMÓVEIS", João Manuel Vilas Boas da Silva, Master Thesis, Concluded, 2011
Milene Moreira da Silva, "Estudo da Rede Secundária dos Transportes Postais", João Manuel Vilas Boas da Silva, Master Thesis, Concluded, 2010
Sara Alibay Jamal, "IMPACTO DA MODIFICAÇÃO DA EMBALAGEM NA PRODUÇÃO E DISTRIBUIÇÃO", João Manuel Vilas Boas da Silva, Master Thesis, Concluded, 2010
Miguel Baptista Sanganha, "As Fronteiras do Outsourcing numa 4PL", João Manuel Vilas Boas da Silva, Master Thesis, Concluded, 2009
João Miguel Xavier Rita, "A Introdução de Ferramentas de E-Procurement na GALP Energia, SGPS, S.A.", João Manuel Vilas Boas da Silva, Master Thesis, Concluded, 2009
Matteo Bongiorno, "Designing replenishment strategies and stock layouts for effective line feeding", João Manuel Vilas Boas da Silva, Master Thesis, Concluded, 2008
José António Porto Pinho Dinis, "Flexibilização e Optimização de Linha de Produção", João Manuel Vilas Boas da Silva, Master Thesis, Concluded, 2001
Final Project
Mariana da Silva Rodrigues, "Proposta de Melhoria das Atividades de Gestão de Armazém da Ferpinta Moçambique", João Manuel Vilas Boas da Silva, Final Project, Concluded, 2021
Rama Sumanta, "Applying Project Management Techniques to Improve Due Date Performance: The Case of a Papua Power Plant Construction in Indonesia", João Manuel Vilas Boas da Silva, Final Project, Concluded, 2021
Guilherme Pinto de Frias, "Utilização de Simulação de Eventos Discretos para implementar um modelo conceptual para avaliação do desempenho das linhas de produção", João Manuel Vilas Boas da Silva, Final Project, Concluded, 2020
Seyed Vahid Mirnoori, "PRIORIZANDO TÉCNICAS LEAN AO EMPREGAR A MULTI-CRITERIA DECISION-MAKING (MCDM): O CASO DE MCOUTINHO", João Manuel Vilas Boas da Silva, Final Project, Concluded, 2020
André Paiva Leite Pedrinho, "Desenvolvimento conceptual redesenhando processos colaborativos internos", João Manuel Vilas Boas da Silva, Final Project, Concluded, 2019
Catarina Barros Saraiva Martins, "Desenvolvendo um Modelo para Analisar a Eficácia Geral do Equipamento para agregar valor em um Contexto B2b", João Manuel Vilas Boas da Silva, Final Project, Concluded, 2019
Inês Silva Neves, "Difusão de Conhecimento num Grande Central Fornecedor da Industria Automóvel", João Manuel Vilas Boas da Silva, Final Project, Concluded, 2019
André César Simões Catalão, "Caso Pedagógico Aquitrends: Inovação no sector da Aquacultura", João Manuel Vilas Boas da Silva, Final Project, Concluded, 2018
Sabrina Renda, "Exploring Operational Issues in Refugees' Care and Integration Process: the Case of "SPRAR" Project Organisations", João Manuel Vilas Boas da Silva, Final Project, Concluded, 2018
André Paulino Silva, "Firm Social Capital as Competitive Asset: The case of Lipari consulting", João Manuel Vilas Boas da Silva, Final Project, Concluded, 2017
Bruno Miguel Alves Tiago, "Implementação de um CRM numa Empresa de Consultoria de T1", João Manuel Vilas Boas da Silva, Final Project, Concluded, 2016
Inês Filipa Figueiredo Martins, "Takeaway de Refeições Portuguesas por Drive Thru", João Manuel Vilas Boas da Silva, Final Project, Concluded, 2015
Ana Isabel Abrantes Cabral, "Melhoria do Quadro de Indicadores de Avaliação do Desempenho numa Empresa de Bebidas", João Manuel Vilas Boas da Silva, Final Project, Concluded, 2014
Pedro Henrique Bargado de Sousa, "Recife Artificial Multifuncional (RAM): Uma proposta inovadora e multifuncional para o desenvolvimento socioeconomico da ilha do Porto Santo", João Manuel Vilas Boas da Silva, Final Project, Concluded, 2014
Francisco Maria de Saldanha Teles Feio, "Selecção e Aplicação de uma Metodologia para Analisar Custos de Produção a uma Cozinha Industrial", João Manuel Vilas Boas da Silva, Final Project, Concluded, 2014
Luís de Castro Moreira, "A Simulation Approach to Warehousing Policies:The GrandVision case", João Manuel Vilas Boas da Silva, Final Project, Concluded, 2014
Gonçalo Gouveia de Nobre Madeira, "Utilização da ERP num Problema de Planeamento da Produção", João Manuel Vilas Boas da Silva, Final Project, Concluded, 2013
Daniela do Carmo Peralta Miranda, "Planeamento da produção numa cozinha industrial suportado pelo novo software: Estudo de caso", João Manuel Vilas Boas da Silva, Final Project, Concluded, 2013
Vanessa Alexandra de Jesus Leandro, "Benchmarking do ensino da Gestão de Operações, na União Europeia", João Manuel Vilas Boas da Silva, Final Project, Concluded, 2013
Rui Alexandre Dias Pimenta de Simões Pimentel, "Utilização de ERP no Contexto de Planeamento e Programação de Produção", João Manuel Vilas Boas da Silva, Final Project, Concluded, 2012
Diogo Caldeira Estanqueiro Rocha, "Avaliação de Estratégias de Gestão da Procura em Produtos Perecíveis", João Manuel Vilas Boas da Silva, Final Project, Concluded, 2012
Sara Conceição Delgado, "Plano de negócio: babycalmy - acessório que permite induzir o balanço numa cadeira de bebé", João Manuel Vilas Boas da Silva, Final Project, Concluded, 2011
Hélder Manuel Teresinho Cangueiro, "Desafios da Liberalização Postal em Portugal: Perspectivas e comparação com mercados já liberalizados.", João Manuel Vilas Boas da Silva, Final Project, Concluded, 2011
Hélder Manuel Teresinho Cangueiro, "", João Manuel Vilas Boas da Silva, Final Project, Concluded, 2011
Sara Conceição Delgado, "Elaboração de Plano de Negócio para Produto Patenteado que Induz Balanço em Cadeira de Bebé.", João Manuel Vilas Boas da Silva, Final Project, Concluded, 2011
Scientific Articles in International Journals
Bálint, M., Vilas-Boas da Silva, J. M. & Möhring, M. M. (2025). Green innovations in third-party logistics: Managerial reasons, external stakeholder influences and contingencies in the natural-business environment. Cogent Business and Management. 12 (1), Ciência-IUL
Andreas Deitmer, Monika Moehring & Vilas-Boas, J. (2024). Status quo - of Digital Accessibility in Multinational Enterprises – an Exploratory Study. International Journal on Advances in Intelligent Systems. 17 (1, 2), 112-121, Ciência-IUL
Silva, J., Ferreira, L. & Soares, J. A. B. (2022). Outlining maritime cabotage public policies for the Brazilian transport system. WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs. 21, 519-547, Ciência-IUL
Silva, J., Esperança, J. & Almeida, I. (2019). QUO VADIS MICROCREDIT IN PORTUGAL? A CASE STUDY OF THE DAY-TO-DAY OF AN ENTREPRENEUR. Tourism and Hospitality International Journal. 12 (2), 92-103, Ciência-IUL
Silva, A., Leite, M., Vilas-Boas, J. & Simões, R. (2019). How education background affects design outcome: teaching product development to mechanical engineers, industrial designers and managers. European Journal of Engineering Education. 44 (4), 545-569, Ciência-IUL
Da Silva, J. & I. Almeida (2017). Collaborative networks as incubators of dynamic virtual organizations: a case study of the emerging MAP sector. International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management. 31 (1-3), 192-216, Ciência-IUL
Vilas-Boas, J., Suleman, A. & Moreira, L. (2015). Testing the performance of rival warehousing policies through discrete event simulation. International Journal of Social, Behavioral, Educational, Economic, Business and Industrial Engineering. 9 (11), 3545-3550, Ciência-IUL
Duarte de Almeida, I., Vilas-Boas, J. & Cabral, A. A. (2015). Developing a structured and strategically focused performance assessment system. International Journal of Social, Behavioral, Educational, Economic, Business and Industrial Engineering. 9 (6), 1134-1140, Ciência-IUL
Duarte de Almeida, I., Silva, J. & Ferreira, L. (2015). From “boat to plate”: creating value through sustainable fish supply chain visibility. International Journal of Social, Behavioral, Educational, Economic, Business and Industrial Engineering. 9 (11), 3744-3755, Ciência-IUL
Crespo de Carvalho, J., Silva, J. & O'Neill, Henrique (2014). Logistics and supply chain management: an area with a strategic service perspective. American Journal of Industrial and Business Management. 4 (1), 24-30, Ciência-IUL
Leite, M., Silva, J. & Duarte de Almeida, I. (2013). Creative teaching of new product development to operations managers. International Journal of Social, Behavioral, Educational, Economic, Business and Industrial Engineering. 7 (10), 1943-1949, Ciência-IUL
Silva, J. (2013). A Systems Approach to Test the Usefulness of a Model to Challenge Organisational Change. International Journal of Criminology and Sociological Theory. 6 (1), 1079-1092, Ciência-IUL
Manjate, J. & Silva, J. (2011). Development of a Systems Approach to Assess Organisational Adequateness. Statistical Review. 7 (1-2), 45-58, Ciência-IUL
Manjate, J. & Silva, J. (2021). Aplicação da Soft Systems Methodology em Investigação Qualitativa: Teoria e Prática. LISBOA. Edições Sílabo, Lda., Ciência-IUL
Book Chapters
Manjate, J. & Silva, J. (2021). Estudo Longitudinal da Adequabilidade da Estrutura Organizacional ao Negócio: O Caso da Petromoc, SA. In Moisés de Lemos Martins e Rosânia da Silva (Ed.), Culturas e Turismo: Reflexões Sobre o Património, as Artes e a Comunicação Intercultural. (pp. 1-230). Braga: CECS e Universidade do Minho., Ciência-IUL
Conference Proceedings
Andreas Deitmer, Monika Moehring & Vilas-Boas, J. (2024). Exploring the status quo of Digital Accessibility in Multinational Enterprises . In TRANSFORMING PEOPLE AND PROCESSES FOR A BETTER WORLD. Barcelona: Euroma 2024., Ciência-IUL
Deitmer, A., Möhring, M. M. & Silva, J. M. V.-B. da. (2023). Digital accessibility in multinational enterprises: A meta study. In Möhring, M. M. (Ed.), SMART ACCESSIBILITY 2023: The Eighth International Conference on Universal Accessibility in the Internet of Things and Smart Environments. Venice, Italy: IARIA., Ciência-IUL
Deitmer, A., Silva, J. M. V.-B. da & Möhring, M. (2022). Developing a research agenda for digital accessibility in multinational enterprises. In Proccedings of the 29th International Annual EurOMA Conference.: European Operations Management Association., Ciência-IUL
Balint, Martin, Vilas-Boas, J. & Möhring, Monika (2020). Exploring the environmental sustainability capabilities and resource management strategies of German third-party logistics providers (3PL). In Jan Godsell, Mark Johnson and Pietro Micheli (Ed.), Proceedings of 27th EurOMA. (pp. 737-746). Warwick: EurOMA., Ciência-IUL
Pedrinho, A., Vilas-Boas, J., Möhring, M. & Stich, C. (2020). Improving concept development success rates by effective redesign of internal collaborative processes. In Jan Godsell, Mark Johnson and Pietro Micheli (Ed.), Proceedings of 27th EurOMA. (pp. 975-984). Warwick: EurOMA., Ciência-IUL
Vilas-Boas, J., Mirnoori, V., Razy, A. & Silva, A. (2019). Outlining a new collaborative business model as a result of the green Building Information Modelling impact in the AEC supply chain. In Camarinha-Matos, L. M., Afsarmanesh, H. and Antonelli, D. (Ed.), Collaborative Networks and Digital Transformation. (pp. 405-417). Torino: Springer., Ciência-IUL
Almeida, I., Silva, J. & Möhring, M. (2019). Impact of business-students subconscious in ethical decision-making. In Markku Kuula and Gyöngyi Kovács (Ed.), Proceedings of the 26th EurOMA Conference: Operations Adding Value to Society. Helsinki: EurOMA., Ciência-IUL
Bálint, M., Möhring, M. M. & Silva, J. M. V.-B. da (2019). Linking procedural and interactional justice perceptions with organizational commitment through formation of perceived organizational support. In G. Kovács & M. Kuula (Ed.), Proceedings of the 26th EurOMA Conference: Operations Adding Value to Society. Helsinki: European Operations Management., Ciência-IUL
Bálint, M., Möhring, Monika & Silva, J. (2019). Linking procedural and interactional justice perceptions with organizational commitment through formation of perceived organizational support. In Gyöngyi Kovacs, Markku Kuula (Ed.), 26th EurOMA Conference: Operations adding value to society, Conference proceedings. (pp. 49-58). Helsinki: EurOMA., Ciência-IUL
Costa, N., Duarte de Almeida, I., Vilas-Boas, J. & Möhring, Monika (2019). PRIvacy Management Responsibility On a Scrutinized Environment (PRIMROSE) - A management methodology to address privacy challenges. In Kovacs, Gyöngyi; Kuula, Markku (Ed.), Operations Adding Value to Society: EurOMA 2019 Conference Proceedings. (pp. 1-10). Helsinky: Aalto University Press., Ciência-IUL
Duarte de Almeida, I., Vilas-Boas, J. & Möhring, Monika (2019). Impact of Business Students Subconscious in Ethical Decision-Making. In Aalto University - Kuula Markku (Ed.), Operations Adding Value to Society: EurOMA 2019 Conference Proceedings. (pp. 1-10). Helsinquia: European Operations Management Association (EurOMA)., Ciência-IUL
Delgado, M. J., Duarte de Almeida, I., Montagna, G. & Silva, J. V.-B. da. (2019). Design of design: Learning dynamics in design degree. In Karwowski, W., Ahram, T., and Nazir, S. (Ed.), Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. (pp. 323-334). Washington D.C.: Springer., Ciência-IUL
Duarte de Almeida, I., Delgado, M. J., Vilas-Boas, J., Monteiro, J. P. & Montagna, G. (2019). Design and business: growing up as a separate couple. In WonJoon Chung, Cliff Sungsoo Shin (Ed.), Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. (pp. 256-266). Cham: © Springer International Publishing., Ciência-IUL
Razy, A., Mirnoori, S., Silva, J., Silva, A., Möhring, M. & I. Almeida (2019). Sustainable customer relationship management for BIM procurement in the ornamental stones cluster under industry 4.0. In Markku Kuula and Gyöngyi Kovács (Ed.), Proceedings of 26th EurOMA – Operations adding value to society. Helsinki: EurOMA., Ciência-IUL
Costa, N., Silva, J., Almeida, I. & Möhring, M. (2019). PRIvacy management responsibility on a scrutinized environment (primrose): A management method to address privacy challenges. In Gyöngyi Kovács, Markku Kuula (Ed.), Proceedings of the 26th EurOMA Conference - Operations Adding Value to Society. Helsinki: EurOMA., Ciência-IUL
Simões, J. R., Vilas-Boas da Silva, J. M. & Duarte de Almeida, I. (2018). The role of collaborative networks in product-service system business models for an advanced manufacturing technology SME. In Jagjit Singh Srai, Paul Christodoulou, Don Fleet, Eric Harris, Patrick Hennelly, Nick Sherwen, Yongjiang Shi (Ed.), 22nd Cambridge International Manufacturing Symposium: Supply chain transformation enabled by advanced technologies. Cambridge: University of Cambridge., Ciência-IUL
Costa, N. A., Vilas-Boas da Silva, J. M., Möhring, M. M. & Duarte de Almeida, I. (2018). Definition of key drivers for project success regarding the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). In EurOMA 2018 Proceedings. Budapest: EurOMA., Ciência-IUL
Vilas-Boas, J. & Simões, J. (2018). Innovative Enterprise Architectures for Deploying Product-Service Systems in SME. In L. Camarinha-Matos, H. Afsarmanesh, Y. Rezgui (Ed.), 19th IFIP WG 5.5 Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises, PRO-VE 2018. (pp. 637-649). Cardiff: Springer, Cham., Ciência-IUL
Silva, J. M. & Simões, J. R. (2018). Definition of requirements to pursue a Servitization Strategy in SME: the case of AMT firms in the Ornamental Stones cluster . In 25th EurOMA – To Serve, to Produce and to Servitize in the Era of Networks, Big Data, and Analytics. Budapest: Euroma., Ciência-IUL
Silva, J., Esperança, J. P. & Almeida, I. D. (2018). Quo vadis microcredit in Portugal? A case study of the day-to-day of an entrepreneur. In António Oliveira, Brizeida Hernández, Carolina Rodrigues, José Carlos Sánchez García, Mário Carrilho Negas, M. Fátima Lobão, Orlando Rua (Ed.), Ciem2018 – 8ª Conferencia Ibérica de Emprendimiento. Salamanca: CIEM., Ciência-IUL
Duarte de Almeida, I., Silva, J. M. & Möhring, M. M. (2018). Student evaluation of teaching effectiveness: implications for scholars in operations management. In 25th EurOMA – To Serve, to Produce and to Servitize in the Era of Networks, Big Data, and Analytics. Budapest: Euroma., Ciência-IUL
Xing, J., Vilas-Boas da Silva, J. M. & Duarte de Almeida, I (2017). Interest, design and assessment of eco-industrial parks in China within a circular economy paradigm. In Jagjit Singh Srai (Ed.), Proceedings of the 21st Cambridge International Manufacturing Symposium. (pp. 12-25). Cambridge: University of Cambridge, Department of Engineering, Institute for Manufacturing., Ciência-IUL
Xing, J., Silva, J. & Almeida, I. (2017). Eco-industrial parks in China: Current situation, problems and development suggestions. In Nigel Caldwell, Amos Haniff (Ed.), EurOMA(The 24th European Operations Management Association Conference). Edinburgh: EurOMA., Ciência-IUL
Xing, J., Silva, J. & Almeida, I. (2017). A new conceptual perspective on circular economy: Preliminarily confirmation of the 7R principle by a descriptive case study in Eastern China. In Eduardo Wills Herrera (Ed.), 23rd Congress of the International Sustainable Development Research Society ISDRS, Book of Abstracts. Bogotá: School of Management Universidad de los Andes., Ciência-IUL
Duarte de Almeida, I. & Silva, J. M. V.-B. (2016). Perceptions of future leaders towards business ethics and sustainability. In 23rd EurOMA. Trondheim: Norwegian University of Science and Technology., Ciência-IUL
Silva, A. M. A. da., Silva, J. M. V.-B. da & Almeida, I. D. de. (2016). The role of digital technologies in the innovation of collaborative networks: The case of the ornamental stones in Portugal. In Proceedings of the 20th Cambridge International Manufacturing Symposium - Architecting the digital supply chain: The implications of digitalisation for global manufacturing. Cambridge: Institute for Manufacturing., Ciência-IUL
Silva, A., Silva, J. V.-B. da., Leite, M. & Simões, R. (2016). How background affects design output: Teaching product development to mechanical engineers, industrial designers and managers. In 2016 2nd International Conference of the Portuguese Society for Engineering Education (CISPEE). Vila Real: IEEE., Ciência-IUL
Simaens, A., Bento, P., Amaral-Baptista, M., Duarte de Almeida, I., Pernas, G., Silva, J....Leite, M. (2016). Focusing executive education on corporate perceptions of priorities and skills in sustainability. In João Joanaz de Melo, Antje Disterheft, Sandra Caeiro, Rui F. Santos and Tomás B. Ramos (Ed.), Proceedings of the 22nd International Sustainable Development Research Society Conference, ISDRS 2016. Lisbon: International Sustainable Development Research Society and the Center for Environmental and Sustainability Research, School of Science and Technology, Universidade Nova de Lisboa., Ciência-IUL
Duarte de Almeida, I., Craveiro, J. & Silva, J. (2016). Erosion perceptions, beliefs and the sustainability of coastal areas: an individual or collective endeavour?. In João Joanaz de Melo, Antje Disterheft, Sandra Caeiro, Rui F. Santos, Tomás B. Ramos (Ed.), Proceedings of the 22nd International Sustainable Development Research Society Conference ISDRS 2016: Rethinking Sustainability Models and Practices: Challenges for the New and Old World Contexts. Lisbon: International Sustainable Development Research Society., Ciência-IUL
Silva, J., Suleman, A. & Moreira, L. (2015). Testing the performance of warehousing rival policies through discrete event simulation. In Gerald Reiner (Ed.), Proceedings of the EUROMA European Operations Management Association 22nd International Annual Conference. Neuchâtel: Emerald Publishing., Ciência-IUL
Silva, J., I. Almeida & Cabral, A.A. (2015). Developing a structured and strategically focused performance assessment system. In Gerald Reiner (EurOMA 2015 Conference Chair) (Ed.), Proceedings of 22nd EurOMA - Operations Management for Sustainable Competitiveness. Neuchâtel: EurOMA., Ciência-IUL
Palhas, J. P., Ferreira, L. M. D. F., Vilas-Boas, J. & Almeida, I. D. (2014). Measuring performance in agri‐food supply chains: A case study of a Portuguese company. In Putnik, G. D., and Ávila, P. (Ed.), Proceedings of 2100 Projects Association Joint Conferences. (pp. 169-175). Póvoa de Varzim: 2100 Projects Association., Ciência-IUL
Silva, J. & Leandro, V. (2014). Benchmarking operations management education in the European Union. In University of Palermo, Sicily, Italy (Ed.), Proceedings 21st EurOMA Conference, Operations management in an innovation economy. Palermo: EUROMA., Ciência-IUL
Almeida, I., Silva, J. & Leite, M. (2014). Shifting to green economy: Hype or hope for entrepreneurs into medicinal and aromatic plants? . In Hendryk Dittfeld, V. Donk (Ed.), Proceedings 21st EurOMA Conference. Palermo: EurOMA., Ciência-IUL
Almeida, I. & Silva, J. (2014). Proposing a virtual operations network to support a business policy for the medicinal and aromatic plants sector. In Harrington, T., Srai, J.S., Christodoulou, P., Kumar, M., Settani, E. (Ed.), Proceedings of the 18th Cambridge International Manufacturing Symposium. Cambridge: Institute for Manufacturing - Cambridge University ., Ciência-IUL
Ferreira, L., Silva, J. & Almeida, I. (2013). Challenging the responsibility of retailers towards sustainable fish supply chains. In Goran D. Putnick and Paulo Ávila (Ed.), Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on BUSINESS SUSTAINABILITY, 2013 – Management, Technology and Learning for Individuals, Organisations and Society in Turbulent Environments. (pp. 35-40). Póvoa do Varzim: 2100 Projects Association., Ciência-IUL
Almeida, I. D. de., Silva, J. M. V.-B. da., Ferreira, L. M. D. F. & Harjivan, C. K. (2013). Implementing supply chain visibility to promote fisheries sustainability. In 17th Cambridge International Manufacturing Symposium. Disruptive supply network models in future industrial systems: Configuring for resilience and sustainability. Symposium Proceedings. Cambridge: Institute for Manufacturing., Ciência-IUL
Cardoso, U., I. Almeida, Silva, J. & Ferreira, L. (2013). From 'boat to plate': Creating value through sustainable fish Supply Chain visibility. In World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (Ed.), Proceedings of The XXXIV International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management (ICIEM 2013). (pp. 549-560). Barcelona: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology., Ciência-IUL
Ferreira, L., Silva, J. & Rocha, D. (2013). Assessing and improving the automatic ordering of perishable products: A case study in a major retailer. In Proceedings of 20th EurOMA - Operations Management at the Heart of Recovery . (pp. 0-0). Dublin, Ireland: EurOMA - European Operations Management Association., Ciência-IUL
Almeida, I. D. de., Silva, J. M. V.-B. da. & Harjivan, C. M. K. (2013). Towards sustainability of fisheries in the food retail. In Brian Fynes & Paul Coughlan (Ed.), Proceedings of 20th EurOMA - Operations Management at the Heart of Recovery. Dublin: Trinity College Dublin and EurOMA., Ciência-IUL
Silva, J. (2010). Process of validation of complex conceptual models after soft systems. In International Council of Small Business (Ed.), ICSB 2010 World Conference - Entrepreneurship: Bridging Global Boundaries. (pp. 1-25).: International Council of Small Business., Ciência-IUL
Bravo, A., Silva, J. & Pereira, Z. (2010). Contribution of quality thinking to the operations design: gap finding and addressing. In Sousa, R. (ed.) (Ed.), Managing operations in service economies, XVII international annual conference of the EurOMA. (pp. 0-0). Porto: XVII international annual conference of the EurOMA ., Ciência-IUL
Silva, J. & Manjate, J. (2010). Development of a systems approach to assess organisational adequateness. In Systemic Approaches in Social Structures, 6th National & International HSSS Conference. (pp. 0-0). Lesvos Island, Greece: Hellenic Society for Systemic Studies (HSSS) & University of the Aegean, School of Social Sciences, Department of Sociology., Ciência-IUL
Silva, J. (2010). A Systems Approach to Test the Usefulness of a Model to Challenge Organisational Change. In Hellenic Society for Systemic Studies (HSSS) & University of the Aegean, School of Social Sciences, Department of Sociology, Greece (Ed.), Systemic Approaches in Social Structures, 6th National & International HSSS Conference. (pp. 0-0). Lesvos Island, Greece: Hellenic Society for Systemic Studies (HSSS) & University of the Aegean, School of Social Sciences, Department of Sociology, Greece., Ciência-IUL
Silva, J. (2009). Validation of a conceptual model to find adequate organisational structures. In Johansson, M. and Jonsson, P. (eds.) (Ed.), Implementation ? realizing operations management knowledge, XVI international annual conference of the EurOMA. (pp. 0-0).: EurOMA- European Operations Management Association., Ciência-IUL
Silva, J. (2009). Restating a research definition in conformance to soft systems semantics. In Johansson, M. and Jonsson, P. (eds.) (Ed.), Implementation ? realizing operations management knowledge, XVI international annual conference of the EurOMA. (pp. 0-0). Göteborg, Sweden: EurOMA - European Operations Management Association., Ciência-IUL
Silva, J. (2009). Empirical test of a conceptual model to find relevant PPC procedures to strategic entrepreneurship. In Karoly BALATON & Lilla HORTOVANYI (Ed.), RENT XXIII - Research in Entrepreneurship & Small Business. (pp. 0-0). Budapest, Hungary: Corvinus University, Budapest, Hungary & ECSB., Ciência-IUL
Duarte de Almeida, I., Vilas-Boas, J. & Cabral, A.A. (2015). Developing a structured and strategically focused performance assessment system. International Journal of Social, Behavioral, Educational, Economic, Business and Industrial Engineering., Ciência-IUL
Duarte de Almeida, I., Vilas-Boas, J. & Cabral, A.A. (2015). Developing a structured and strategically focused performance assessment system. International Journal of Social, Behavioral, Educational, Economic, Business and Industrial Engineering., Ciência-IUL
Silva, J. (2014). A Engenharia Financeira do «Sourcing» Global. Jornal de Negócios. 7OUT2014 (7OUT2014), 35-35, Ciência-IUL
Silva, J. (2014). Estarão as escolas de negócios alinhadas estrategicamente?. Jornal de Negócios. 15NOV2014 (15NOV2014), 41-41, Ciência-IUL
Leite, M., Madeira, J., Silva, J., Henriques, E. & Roth, R. (2012). Optimization of materials selection in a multi-part environment with direct multi-search. Civil-Comp Proceedings. 99, Ciência-IUL
International Communications
Silva, J. (2009). The progress of Business Models and Operations & Supply Management Trends. Seminário no MRC/UNIDE/ISCTE., Ciência-IUL
Silva, J. (2007). Seminário em Estratégia das Operações. Projecto QI-PME_Quadros Inovadores para PME, INOVJOVEM, IAPMEI/INETI., Ciência-IUL
Oral Presentation
Silva, J. & Simões, J. (2018). Definition of requirements to pursue a Servitization Strategy in SME: the case of AMT firms in the Ornamental Stones cluster. 25th EurOMA – To Serve, to Produce and to Servitize in the Era of Networks, Big Data, and Analytics., Ciência-IUL
Silva, J. & Simões, J. (2018). Innovative Enterprise Architectures for Deploying Product-Service Systems in SME. PRO-VE 2018 Collaborative Networks of Cognitive Systems., Ciência-IUL
Silva, J., Suleman, A. & Moreira, L. (2015). Testing the performance of warehousing rival policies through discrete event simulation. 22nd EurOMA - Operations Management for Sustainable Competitiveness., Ciência-IUL
Silva, J. & Vanessa Leandro (2014). Benchmarking Operations Management education in the European Union. Proceedings of 21rst EurOMA - Operations Management in an Innovation Economy., Ciência-IUL
Ferreira, L., Silva, J. & Rocha, D. (2013). Assessing and improving the automatic ordering of perishable products: a case study in a major retailer. 20th EurOMA ? Operations Management at the Heart of Recovery. 0-0, Ciência-IUL
Silva, J. (2010). A Systems Approach to Test the Usefulness of a Model to Challenge Organisational Change. Systemic Approaches in Social Structures, 6th National & International HSSS Conference., Ciência-IUL
Silva, J. (2010). Process of validation of complex conceptual models after soft systems. ICSB 2010 - Entrepreneurship: Bridging Global Boundaries., Ciência-IUL
Bravo, A., Silva, J. & Pereira, Z. (2010). Contribution of quality thinking to the operations design: gap finding and addressing. Managing operations in service economies, XVII international annual conference of the EurOMA. 0-0, Ciência-IUL
Silva, J. (2009). Validation of a conceptual model to find adequate organisational structures. Implementation ? realizing operations management knowledge, XVI international annual conference of the EurOMA., Ciência-IUL
Silva, J. (2009). Restating a research definition in conformance to soft systems semantics. Implementation ? realizing operations management knowledge, XVI international annual conference of the EurOMA. 0-0, Ciência-IUL
Silva, J. (2009). Empirical test of a conceptual model to find relevant PPC procedures to strategic entrepreneurship. RENT XXIII - Research in Entrepreneurship & Small Business. 0-0, Ciência-IUL
National Communications
Silva, J. (2008). Gestão da Inovação nas Operações. JORTEC 2008., Ciência-IUL
Organization and Coordination Events
Operations adding value to society, (2019), (international)
Automotive International Week DEZ2018 (BMW/Dingolfing; MAN/Munchen), (2018), (international)
Scientific Committee of a PhD in Technological Innovation, (2018), (international)
Automotive International Week JAN2018 (Mercedes/Sindelfingen; Frankfurt Airport/Logistics), (2018), (international)
Automotive International Week JAN2017 (Mercedes Sindelfingen/Continental/Karben), (2017), (international)
Double Degree MMST/Kedge MSc, (2016), (international)
Double Degree MMST/Engineering Management , (2016), (international)
Academy of Management 2013 Annual Meeting - Capitalism in Question, (2013), (international)
Academy of Management 2012 Annual Meeting - The Informal Economy, (2012), (international)
ICSB 2011 World Conference, (2011), (international)
ICSB 2010 World Conference, (2010), (international)
ICSB 2010 World Conference, (2010), Member of scientific events organizing committee (international)
Academic Management Roles
Director (2017, 2019)
Coordenador (2016, 2018)
Director (2015, 2017)
Director (2013, 2015)
Director (2011, 2013)
Director (2011, 2014)
Director (2010, 2011)
Director (2010, 2011)