Lectured in
Teaching Type In person
The programme faculty is composed of Iscte teachers who are specialists in the areas in which they participate in the Master in Humanitarian Action. The programme also has the regular participation of professionals from the field and from organisations directly involved in humanitarian response at the global level.
Faculty for (2024/2025)
Dissertation on Humanitarian Action |
Management in Humanitarian Action
Ana Lúcia Martins is an Associate Professor at ISCTE-IUL and an integrated researcher at BRU-Iscte (Business Research Unt). She holds a PhD in Management, with a specialization in Operations Management and Technology, and an MSc in Management, with a specialization in Strategy. She currently serves as Iscte Business School Vice-dean for Teaching and Innovation. She also serves as director of the Master in Humanitarian Action, along with a director from the School of Sociology and Public Policy, a program jointly offered by both schools, and in the past served as director of the bachelor's degree in Industrial Management and Logistics. Ana teaches Operations Management, Logistics Management, Service Operations Management, and Supply Chain Management. Ana authored more than 85 scientific articles. Ana publishes in scientific journals such as the International Journal of Logistics Management, International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management, and Public Money and Management, among others. She has authored book chapters in logistics management and lean management in the justice systems. Her current main research topics are operations management in humanitarian settings, logistics management, supply chain management, and lean management in the services area, mainly in judicial and healthcare systems. Ana is involved in several european projects, contributing in the areas of operations management and assurance of learning activities.
Social Sciencies in Humanitarian Action |
Research Design |
2nd Cycle Internship
Joana Azevedo is an associate professor at the Department of Sociology, School of Sociology and Public Policy of ISCTE-IUL and integrated research fellow at the Centre for Research and Studies in Sociology (CIES-IUL) since 2008. She holds a PhD in Social Theory and Research from the Department of Sociology and Communication Sciences of the University La Sapienza in Rome (2007), with a doctoral grant for studies abroad from the Portuguese national science foundation - FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia). She is postgraduated in Data Analysis in Social Sciences (2010) and graduated in Sociology (2001) from the ISCTE-IUL. She is currently member of the Observatories of Communication (OberCom) and Emigration (OEm). She was postdoctoral fellow at CIES-IUL with a postdoctoral grant from the FCT (2008-2014). Since 2011-2012 she has been teaching at ISCTE-IUL in the fields of communication sciences, sociology and social science research methods. She’s member of the Scientific Commitee of the PhD Programme in Comunication Sciences. She also teaches at the European Master's Programme Erasmus Mundus MFamily.
Research Design
PhD in Sociology at Iscte (Lisbon) and the French Institute for Demographic Studies (INED, Paris), dissertation 'Self-reported bilingual outcomes and language acculturation among descendants of Turkish immigrants in France, Germany and the Netherlands', in the European project TIES (The Integration of the European Second Generation), as Earlier Stage Marie Curie, funded FCT/MCTES, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation (FCG) as a PhD visitor at the Center for International Studies (CERI, Sciences Po, Paris).
Since 2003, I work in the Sociology of international and Sociology of language, focusing in the population with migrant background (immigrants, refugees and their descendants) in Europe and Portugal, comparing policies on migration, asylum seeking, integration and language, bilingual education, academic language in higher education, Portuguese for speakers of other languages, pluricentricity of Portuguese language, at the institucional, family and individual levels.
Integrated at Iscte: researcher at the Center for Research and Studies in Sociology and Invited Assistant Professor; member of the Scientific Council of Iscte; member of the Scientific Commission of the Department of Sociology; coordinator of the research group 'Migration, Mobiliy and Ethnicity' (CIES-Iscte).
Teaching master and undergraduate studies: theory and methods on language policies and practices; family, migration and educations; research design; observational field research; ethics and profession in Sociology; research design applied to studies on Humanitarian Action; Sociological theories; Object and Method in Sociology; Culture and Society.
Teaching abroad: theory and methods on language policies and practices in two Eramus Mundus Masters (MFamily and NOSWEL), University of Stavanger; undergraduate and master studies in Social Work: ethnographic methods and research methods, the University of Makerere, Kampala.
Carrying out studies on language policies, practices and attitudes: in a post-doctoral research 'Konta bu storia: Linguistic Acculturation Patterns among Descendants of African Immigrants in Vale da Amoreira' (funded by FCT / MCTES, at CIES-Iscte, CELGA-ILTEC/UC, and CES-UC); co-coordinating a research 'Portuguese language policies for adult immigrants in Portugal with little or no schooling: institutionalization and challenges'; co-coordinating an action-research 'Trovoada de Ideias - Linguistic and Social Inclusion of PALOP Students in Portuguese Higher Education (with APEDI; CELGA-ILTEC/UC, funded by FAMI/ACM); coordinate an action-research 'MOCEP: Migrant Women, Cultural Orientation and Portuguese Teaching' (with APEDI, Penha de França Paris Council, CCC); local coordinator of 'Coop4Int - Strengthening Migrant Integration through cooperation between Portugal and Cabo Verde' (with BRU-Iscte; AUDAX-Iscte; Emigration Observatory-Iscte; ACM; AAI (Cape Verde).
Organizing Committee: the 7th Biennial Conference Network Afroeuropeans: "Black In/Visibilities Contested”; Seminar 'Language and Literacy Policies and Practices'; Seminar ''Migration in Digital Space: experiences, change and resistance'; Round-Table on 'Linguistic Diversity in Portugal and Migratory Contexts' (CES/UC); 'Migration Experiences Meetings' (with CRIA).
Associated Researcher: 'Global Governance'/SocioDigital Lab for Public Policy; Imiscoe European Network; Scientific Commision at CAPLE/Univ.Lisbon; Emigration Observatory (Iscte); RedeMigra (Iscte); APEDI; CELGA-ILTEC/UC; EDiSo; RMIR - Refugees and Migration, Cost Network New Speakers in a Multilingual Europe.
Social Sciencies in Humanitarian Action
Annelien Groten is an invited Assistant Professor at the Department of Sociology, School of Sociology and Public Policy of ISCTE-IUL. She holds a PhD in Anthropology from the School of Human and Social Sciences at ISCTE-IUL. She postgraduated in Development Studies (2003) from the School of Oriental and African Studies in London and graduated in European Studies (2002) from the University of Amsterdam. Since 2019 she has been teaching at ISCTE-IUL in the fields of anthropology of humanitarian action and participatory evaluation. She is part of the research projects on humanitarian action 'HUMACT' and 'INOVHUMRE' implemented in collaboration with partnering universities. She also continues to be a practitioner in the field of monitoring and evaluation for which she works on various assignments across Africa, Asia and the Middle East.
Management in Humanitarian Action
Marjan S. Jalali is Associate Professor at the ISCTE Business School of the University Institute of Lisbon, and researcher at the Business Research Unit (BRU-IUL). She holds a BA in Economics and Management from the University of Oxford; a MA in Organisation Studies from the university of Warwick; and a PhD in Management from the University of Sydney. Some of her works have been published nationally and internationally, in journals such as the Journal of Business Research and the International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making. Her research interests include CSR and sustainability, diversity and inclusion, social marketing, consumer ethics, and strategy.
Management in Humanitarian Action
Susana de Deus, has worked in Humanitarian Action since 1996, since then her professional career has been with international humanitarian and development organizations, such as World Vision, International Red Cross, Oxfam GB and Doctors without Borders, the latter being the one with whom she has been most continuously involved. last 10 years. The areas of action to which it was linked range from food security, water and sanitation, provision of medical care for the displaced population, refugees, victims of sexual violence and urban social exclusion. Over the last 20 years, she has been project coordinator, national coordinator and National Director of Doctors Without Borders in Brazil, where she has been more focused on the areas of operational research, international recruitment of humanitarian workers, communication and advocacy and fundraising.
Shee worked in Angola, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Brazil, Lebanon and Greece, Egypt, Poland/Ukraine.
Currently, she teaches the curricular unit Project Management in Humanitarian Action, at ISCTE, mentors and coaches coordinators of humanitarian projects, small coordination missions in the field, with Doctors Without Borders. Is a PhD candidate in political science at ISCTE and Guest teaching assistant for the Master of Humanitarian Action.
Management in Humanitarian Action |
Leadership and Team Management in Humanitarian Action
Ana Margarida Passos is Associate Professor with habilitation in the Department of Human Resources and Organizational Behavior at ISCTE-IUL Business School. She has a PhD in Social and Organizational Psychology. She has been investigating the drivers of team effectiveness and adaptability over time. Her research in this area began to focus on the characteristics of the team members (team diversity) and on team processes, as is the case of intragroup conflicts. More recently, she has been investigating the role of cognitions (team mental models and transactive memory systems), emotions, behaviors (e.g., team leadership, team learning behaviors) on team effectiveness and adaptation with a temporal focus. Areas of application include teams in the context of high education, banking, insurance and humanitarian action.
Social Sciencies in Humanitarian Action
Cláudia Pereira holds a PhD in anthropology with a post-doctorate in sociology. She is a Research Fellow and Professor at ISCTE-University Institute of Lisbon (IUL), integrated at the Centre for Research and Studies in Sociology (CIES-IUL). She has been focusing on linking research, teaching and public policies.
Previously she did the Erasmus programme during her undergraduate degree at Vrije Universiteit in the Netherlands and was a Visiting Scholar during her PhD at Brown University in the USA. Claudia was the co-coordinator for the international Master’s degree Erasmus Mundus in Social Work with Family and Children and a guest lecturer at the partner universities, i.e., the University of Gothenburg, the University of Makerere and the University of Stavanger.
Pereira is the executive coordinator of the Emigration Observatory (OEm) Portugal, which carries out statistical research on the Portuguese in all countries. Among other activities, the OEm team is responsible for the Yearly Statistical Report on Portuguese Emigration produced for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, for presentation to the Assembly of the Republic.
Cláudia carried out ethnographic research in India, among Catholic Goans and Hindus, and in England, among Portuguese nurses in London. This research resulted in articles and books, including, Religious dances and tourism: perceptions of the “tribal” as the repository of the traditional in Goa, India, and in Springer/IMISCOE, New and Old Routes of Portuguese Emigration. Uncertain Futures at the Periphery of Europe.
She is an expert on migration on capacity-building projects for governments of countries outside the European Union, such as Jordan and Togo, through the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD), European Commission (EC). She is an evaluator of European applications (COST and Marie Curie).
She participates in research-action, migration and humanitarian action projects, with international and national funding. One of the projects she coordinated focused on Nepalese immigration and recruitment in agriculture, ‘If you don't migrate, you're a nobody’: Migration recruitment networks and experiences of Nepalese farm workers in Portugal".
She was the State Secretary for Integration and Migration, at the 22nd Constitutional Government. In this position, with her team and in cooperation with other governmental areas and public institutes, she removed obstacles in the Portuguese language learning courses by creating the Ordinance for the courses of Portuguese Host Language. For the first time, foreigners and asylum seekers awaiting the documentation were able to learn Portuguese. She created the Integrar Valoriza Network, with more than 50 municipalities, to strengthen the articulation between public administration and municipal councils in integration policies. She has dynamized networking in government and public administration for the implementation of the Global Compact for Migration, in which Portugal was awarded as a "Champion Country" by UN-OIM. She also contributed to the Law of the Citizen Card for People with no Fixed Address in Portugal, for homeless people and nomadic Portuguese Roma, which facilitated access to health care, housing, training and employment, i.e. to equal opportunities. In the area of refugees implemented the Unified Operational Group now ensures cooperation and coordination among the various state actors. Together with her team, she coordinated the task force for the first humanitarian emergency hosting in the country of people from Afghanistan and later from Ukraine.
Claudia assumes coordination roles that relate to research, lecturing and public policy. Cláudia co-coordinates the Thematic Line of CIES, "Migration, Mobility and Ethnicity", and is a member of the executive committee and co-coordinator of the Thematic Line "Global Governance" of the Associated Laboratory, SocioDigital Lab for Public Policy.
Concepts, Fundaments and Challenges in Humanitarian Action
Psychologist since 2000 (University of Lisbon), Postgraduation in Family and Community-based therapy by the School of Family and Community Therapy in Lisbon (2005-2007); Masters Degree (Autonomous University of Barcelona, 2007-2009, with internship at the Roberto Clemente Center in NYC 2009/2010).
MHPSS (Mental Health and Psychosocial Support) Coordinator in Community-based and Humanitarian Projects (2010-2017), AMI, MSF, MdM and CVT.
Consultant in MHPSS and Staff Care in Humanitarian contexts since 2016 (Humanité et Inclusion, Heartland Alliance International, UNHCR, IOM, War Trauma Foundation, HIAS and The Konterra Group).
PhD in Anthropology at Iscte-IUL (2017-2020), with the dissertation: "Mobilities and resistances. Informal solidarity and acts of citizenship with refugees, asylum seekers and other mobile categories, in post-2015 Europe".
Invited Lecturer at ISCTE-IUL (Masters in Humanitarian Action) since 2019 and University of Algarve (Postgraduation in Humanitarian Action) since 2021. Trainer at EAPN (2022/2023).
Postdoc researcher in project JUSTFUTURES ( since June 2022.
Activist Researcher at Europe Must Act, Forum Refugio Portugal and UREP.
International Politics and Geopolitics
Social Sciencies in Humanitarian Action
Human Rights and Legal Dimensions in Humanitarian Action
International Politics and Geopolitics
School of Sociology and Public Policy
Sedas Nunes Building (Building I), room 1E03
(+351) 210 464 015
9:30 - 18:00