Master Degree


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6 Years
30 Jul 2018
Accreditation DGES
Initial registry R/A-Ef 3376/2011 de 18-03-2011
Update registry R/A-Ef 3376/2011/AL01 de 01-09-2014 | R/A-Ef 3376/2011/AL02 de 08-12-2021
Iscte Business School
Ala Autónoma, Office 235
(+351) 210 464 014

Tuition fee EU nationals (2024/2025)

1.stYear 5250.00 €
2.rdYear 1600.00 €
Lectured in English
Teaching Type In person

Programme Structure for 2024/2025

1st Year
Advanced Group Accounting
6.0 ECTS
Advanced Financial Accounting
6.0 ECTS
Tax Management
6.0 ECTS
International Financial Reporting & Analysis
6.0 ECTS
Integrated Reporting in Private and Public Sector
6.0 ECTS
Data Analytics for Accounting
6.0 ECTS
Audit and Assurance
6.0 ECTS
Strategic Management Accounting & Sustainability
6.0 ECTS
Management Control for Value Creation
6.0 ECTS
2nd Year
Research Methods in Accounting
12.0 ECTS
Master Dissertation in Accounting and Management Control
48.0 ECTS
Master Project in Accounting and Management Control
48.0 ECTS

Recommended optative

Optional courses will only be held if they achieve a minimum number of enrollments.

2nd semester

00744 | Management Information Systems and Erps (IBS | TPO)

00746 | Project Management Laboratory (IBS | TPO)

01026 | Labor Law (2nd Cycle) (ECSH | CJE)

01151 | Corporate Governance and Social Responsibility (IBS | RH)

01153 | Industrial Economics (IBS | Econ)

01154 | Human Resources and Labour Economics (ECSH | Econ)

01160 | Environment, Energy, and Sustainability (IBS | Econ)

01656 | Brand Expression and Identity (IBS | Mkt)

01657 | Organisational Culture and Leadership Processes (IBS | RH)

01660 | Team Management and Development (IBS | RH)

01661 | Business Intercultural Communication (IBS | GG)

01907 | Public Entities - Control (IBS | Cont)

01924 | Business and Brand Strategy (IBS | Mkt)

01926 | Management Control Systems Design (IBS | Cont)

01928 | Monetary Theory and Policy (IBS | Econ)

01968 | Strategic Entrepreneurship (IBS | GG)

02148 | Topics in Industrial Economics (IBS | Econ)

02353 | Strategic Management of Social Economy Organizations (IBS | GG)

04024 | Report & Fiscal Compliance (IBS | Cont) *

02439 | Management Policies for Sustainability (IBS | TPO)

02778 | Financing Corporate Entrepreneurship: Connect to Success (IBS | Fin)

02879 | Human Resource Attraction, Selection and Development (IBS | RH)

02880 | Consulting and Diagnosis Techniques (IBS | CO)

02889 | Human Resource Analytics and Internal Auditing (IBS | RH)

02890 | Regulation and Labour Markets (IBS | Econ)

02893 | Organizational Intervention Techniques (IBS | CO)

03072 | Banking and Insurance Economics (6 Ects) (IBS | Econ)

03073 | Policy and Macroeconomic Markets (IBS | Econ)

03168 | Pricing Strategies (IBS | Econ)

03178 | Applied Economic Modelling (IBS | Econ)

03254 | Digital Marketing (IBS | Mkt)

03281 | Data Analysis and Data Communication with Excel (IBS | EAD)

03282 | Business Analytics Overview (IBS | EAD)

03310 | International Organizations (IBS | GG)

03321 | Contemporary Labour Market (ECSH | EconP)

03322 | Economics of Banking and Financial Markets (IBS | Econ)

03394 | Corporate Governance (Sege) (IBS | GG)

M0653 | Quality Management (2nd Cycle) (IBS | GG)

M1631 | Entrepreneurship and Venture Creation (IBS | GG)

M2609 | Supply Chain Management (2º Ciclo) (IBS | TPO)

M3507 | Forecasting Methods (2nd Cycle) (IBS | EAD)

M4214 | International Finance (2nd Cycle) (IBS | Fin)

M8340 | International Corporate Governance (IBS | GG)

M8486 | Management Consulting (IBS | GG)

M8497 | New Product Development (IBS | TPO)

M8506 | Tools of Marketing Communication (IBS | Mkt)

M8656 | History of Economic Thought (ECSH | EconP)

M8662 | Competition Policy and Regulation (IBS | Econ)

M9085 | Governance of International Organizations (IBS | GG)

Once the conditions for progress in case of Dissertation/Project are met, the student has the possibility to complete his program immediately after the end of the first semester of the 2nd year.

* Recommended courses for admission to the Order of Certified Accountants (depending on the previous academic background of the student)


 The MSc in Master in Accounting and Management Control has as main objective to provide its participants with a current and rigorous training, which allows them a good theoretical and practical mastery of the most recent knowledge verified in the area, essential to guarantee a good insertion in the labour market

Specific skills are offered in several areas: financial accounting, namely through the study of accounting standards developed by the main international organizations and their application to social and economic phenomena; management accounting and strategy, through the analysis of some of the most important tools in timely decision making by managers; auditing, taxation and sustainability, through the study of various issues of current relevance; data analysis, through the use of technological tools for information analysis and systematization

Objective 1: Communicate effectively in writing including the following: producing a well-structured written document; clearly identify and communicate relevant key messages within a written document; clearly express the link between theoretical arguments and specific practical issues; effectively summarize ideas and conclusions.

Objective 2: Communicate effectively orally including the following aspects: select the appropriate format for a particular presentation; demonstrate confidence that the communication was well prepared; develop and deliver impactful presentations.

Objective 3: Develop critical thinking skills including selecting and interpreting relevant data and references from academic and non-academic sources; rationally identify and discuss ethical issues in business and management; analyze issues effectively, leading to the formulation of well-supported conclusions or solutions.

Objective 4: Demonstrate extensive current technical knowledge in areas essential to the profession of auditor including the following aspects: knowledge of the latest management accounting models; knowledge of the latest changes to international and national accounting standards; demonstrate an understanding of international standards in auditing and tax environments.

Objective 5: Apply economic concepts and theory to practice including the following aspects: demonstrate competence in the application of the main qualitative and quantitative data analysis techniques; interpret the results of the main techniques used in accounting research.

Iscte Business School
Ala Autónoma, Office 235
(+351) 210 464 014