
Pre-university students • 29 May 2020
Rock Business Challenge: a Successful 1st Edition

The 1st Edition of the event “Rock Business Challenge” took place on May 29. This initiative was created by Iscte Business School with the goal of challenging high school students to propose a new stage for the festival “Rock in Rio Lisboa”. With this experience, the participants will be able to face real business situations, in an immersive digital environment. This first edition, whose organization involved a team of 23 people, had 160 participants, split into 34 teams.

For the Dean of Iscte Business School, Maria João Cortinhal, the event “is an original initiative that results from the school's wide experience in promoting pre-university activities in the areas of management and economics to high school students". Professors from Iscte were also part of Rock Business Challenge, by lecturing several webinars on topics like Marketing, Human Resources or Management. The event also had the special participation of Agatha Âreas, Vice President of the Learning Experience area of ​​Rock in Rio. For Agatha, “this type of projects, meant for sharing knowledge and ideas, are a reflection of the attraction of Rock in Rio's culture of innovation”.

For the participants, this was a “great event to learn management and finance processes and get in touch with this area, and also good for developing team spirit.” It was a “very original, pedagogical, innovative, practical and interesting” challenge, being an activity “different from what we are used to do”. Therefore, it is possible to conclude that Rock Business Challenge ends up reinforcing the image of Iscte Business School as a strong option for bachelor degree candidates, distinguishing itself as an “innovative, creative and multidisciplinary” management school.

Rock Business Challenge winners will have access to Rock in Rio Innovation Week as one of the prizes. In the words of Agatha Âreas, “we will be delighted to welcome the winners of the Rock Business Challenge at the next Rock in Rio Innovation Week!”

For more information about this event, you can check the official website here!