
Media • 18 May 2020
Iscte Business School Students Join the Metropolitano de Lisboa Team in the 2020 Global Management Challenge

The Global Management Challenge consists of an international competition of strategy and management. Through an interactive business simulation, each team of participants has the experience of running a company, with the goal of achieving the best performance. 

When making top management decisions, participants go through the analysis of economic and financial indicators, gain a broader and strategic view of a company, understand the interaction between different functional areas and the impact that their decisions can have on an organization, taking into account the conditions of the market in which they compete and maximum customer and shareholder satisfaction.

 In the past, Metropolitano de Lisboa participated in the Global Management Challenge with teams composed exclusively of employees, but this year the company decided to embrace the challenge differently – by creating a mixed team, which includes not only employees, but also students, in order to foster a climate of mutual learning.

After analyzing the profile of several students, the Metropolitano de Lisboa chose students Carlos Rodrigues (Master in Management of Services and Tecnology) and Isabel Maria Seoane (Master in Business Administration) from Iscte Business School. The Global Management Challenge will now be played in two rounds - a National Final and an International Final.

Iscte Business School wishes the team success in this competition, hoping that this participation will result in a challenging opportunity to develop new skills! 

If you want to know more about the Global Management Challenge, you can visit the official website.