At Iscte Business School, the future is assured. The Inquérito de Inserção na Vida Ativa (a survey of integration into working life, which evaluates the professional situation of recent graduates, allows us to monitor, in practice, the quality of our teaching. After the latest results have been compiled, it is clear that the results are positive.

With the participation of 767 graduates, i.e. 81% of the total number of students who completed their degree in the 2019/20 academic year at Iscte, where Iscte Business School is located, there was an overall employability rate of 97% for Iscte, and 99% for Iscte Business School in particular.
On a scale of 1 to 5 (where 1 corresponds to "not at all satisfied" and 5 to "very satisfied"), the overall average of satisfaction among respondents regarding their professional career (from the end of the degree course to one year after its conclusion) was 4 points.
One year after graduation, the highest percentage of respondents (36%) were in a job obtained after graduation, 35% were exclusively pursuing their studies, 13% were in a paid internship, 6% were in a job obtained in the final year of the course, and 5% were in a job obtained before or at the beginning of the course.
Regarding the graduates who entered the labour market after graduation or in the final year of their degree, including the paid professional internship, it was found that the professional activity of the vast majority (86%) was directly or closely related to the area of the degree they completed at Iscte.
Considering the Classificação Portuguesa das Profissões (Portuguese Classification of Occupations), it was found that the vast majority (90%) carried out professional activities appropriate to a higher level of qualifications: 0.2% were "Representatives of legislative power and of executive bodies, directors, executive officers and managers", 70% fell into the category of "Intellectual and scientific activity specialists" and 20% were in occupations that fall into the category "Technicians and associate professionals".
The respondents carried out their professional activity in quite diversified areas, namely Computer Consultancy/Information Technology Services (33%), Auditing/Accounting/Management Control (11%), Banking/Insurance (8%), Commerce/Distribution (7%), Management/Tax/Financial Consultancy and Human Resources (both with 6%).
More detailed information can be found on the page of each of the undergraduate courses of Iscte Business School, under the tab "Employability".