Iscte Business School has solidified its position among the top 50 business schools in Europe, achieving 43rd place in the "Financial Times European Business Schools 2024" ranking. This result reflects an improvement of one position compared to the previous year, establishing the institution as a leader in Level III of the ranking, the category just below the global average.

"The trajectory of Iscte Business School in the Financial Times ranking reflects our commitment to high-quality teaching and research," says Maria João Cortinhal, Dean of Iscte Business School. "The rise to the 43rd position in 2024 is a testament to this consistency in a dynamic and complex international management landscape, where new leaders are required to have strategic vision and adaptability to succeed."
Internationalization has been one of the strategic pillars of Iscte Business School. "The business world is global, marked by technological transformation and the pursuit of sustainable solutions," says Maria João Cortinhal. "Our school keeps pace with this reality, offering an international faculty, mobility programs, and strategic partnerships with educational institutions in various countries, and a constantly updated curriculum with competencies in different areas of knowledge," she explains. According to the Dean of Iscte Business School, "the mix of technical skills with social sciences is crucial to keeping the Business School competitive and relevant in the global management market."
Check out the Financial Times Best Business School Ranking here.