
Iscte Business School • 12 Mar 2024
Welcome Brunch BPN Paribas Programa MOP
Iscte Business School
Ala Autónoma, Office 235
(+351) 210 464 014

On February 29th, 2024, the 3rd edition of the specialization and fast track program by BNP Paribas, in partnership with Iscte Business School, aimed at students majoring in Management, Economics, Finance, and Accounting, kicked off. This program involves student training and mentoring. The event, under the name Welcome Brunch Program Markets Operations Path (MOP), served as the catalyst for the opening of this new edition and fostered networking among students, bank employees, and alumni from previous editions of this program who are currently employed at the company.

This program provides students with privileged and expedited access to the recruitment process in the Markets area, specifically in Securities Operations.

Thus, BNP Paribas offers training in the Financial Markets Operations´ (SMO) curricular unit, which is taught in English and structured into two modules: the 1st module consists of theoretical sessions, both in-person and online, and the 2nd module involves computer simulations. Classes will start after the Easter break.

This opening event also brought together the management of the Business School, along with the faculty teaching the courses that belong to the program, namely, Investments and Financial Asset Management. Students had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the main areas of work within the bank, career development opportunities, clarify doubts, and meet their classmates.

Additionally, students will be accompanied by BNP Paribas Buddies, who are bank employees students can contact to clarify doubts and accompany them during the program and the recruitment process. Students will also have the opportunity to participate in Speed Interviews, a quick, exclusive, and personalized recruitment method that guides students to identify the department best suited to their profile, in order to maximize their potential in a promising career path.