BSc Elective - Management and International Markets

Immersive International Bachelor Programme

Management and International Markets Elective

The Management and International Markets (MIM) course is a second semester free elective in the third year, which students from bachelor level may choose. 
During two weeks students visit a country and attend classes a reputed university, to learn about local customs and business practices through hands-on experiences. 

CZU school logo_2025
Destination and Dates for 2024/2025
  • Czech University Prague (CZU)
  • Period: 4th to 19th of July 2025

Detailed Programme in CZU is provided by the university.

Application Process
Application for academic year 2024/2025
The students who apply for this free elective course will use the credits in their third academic year (the one immediately following).

By completing this form you are simply showing your interest in taking part in this experience.
You have to fill the application form until 28th of February (deadline).
Student's elegible to obtain the 6 ECTS:
> Students enrolled in the 2nd year of an ISCTE Business School Bachelor programme in the 2024/2025 academic year;
> The student's bachelor curriculum should include at least one free elective of 6 ECTS on the third year.
Selection Criteria:
> Bachelor's average grade up to the 1st semester of the 2025/2025 academic year.
> First come first serve.
Application Deadline: to be defined
Note: Students will only be contacted regarding their application after the application deadline has closed.


Students are responsible for the cost of flight tickets, travel insurance, some meals, accommodation, and visa, but arrangements are made as a group.

The estimated costs will be around 1500€

ISCTE Business School will be responsible for the costs associated with the academic program.


No refunds will be given in the event of a cancellation, unless a replacement can be found and airline tickets and other bookings can be changed.


Successful participation allows students to gain approval in one free elective of their Bachelor.

In case of selection, participants will be automatically enrolled, on their 3rd year, by the services on the elective Management and International Markets.


To obtain the credits, the students should:

> Do the pre-departure homework;

> Take part in the scheduled classes and pass the short written tests at the host universities;

> Reply to the final questionnaire;

> Prepare one report with maximum 10 pages and one group video project with duration of around 5 minutes.


Ana Rosa Silva

(+351) 210 464 444