Master Degree


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6 Years
31 Jul 2019
Accreditation DGES
Initial registry R/A-Cr 76/2019 de 25-10-2019
Update registry R/A-Cr 76/2019/AL01 de 10-08-2023

Tuition fee EU nationals (2025/2026)

1.stYear 4000.00 €
2.rdYear 1800.00 €
Lectured in Portuguese
Teaching Type In person

Check here the detailed study plan

 Note: For the 4 mandatory Units lectured in the 1st semester (Big Data Management, Data Science Methodologies and Technologies, Prediction Models, and Pattern Recognition), there is the possibility for international students to enroll in these Units, which implies that there is a possibility that these Units might be lectured in the English language.

Programme Structure for 2025/2026

1st Year
Data Driven Strategy Optimization
6.0 ECTS
Time Series Analysis and Forecasting
6.0 ECTS
Text Mining for Data Science
6.0 ECTS
Bayesian Modelling
6.0 ECTS
Deep Learning for Computer Vision
6.0 ECTS
Big Data Processing and Modeling
6.0 ECTS
Advanced Distributed Databases
6.0 ECTS
Business Analytics Fundamentals
6.0 ECTS
Advanced Network Analysis
6.0 ECTS
Prediction Models
6.0 ECTS
Pattern Recognition
6.0 ECTS
Data Science Methodologies and Technologies
6.0 ECTS
Big Data Management
6.0 ECTS
2nd Year
6.0 ECTS
Project Design for Data Science
6.0 ECTS
Master Project in Data Science
42.0 ECTS
Dissertation in Data Science
42.0 ECTS


 To provide comprehensive training in Data Science, in line with current trends and market needs and the emerging lines of research

 To provide knowledge and skills in advanced data analysis, especially for dealing with big data and for extracting knowledge from unstructured data (text and image);

 To provide applied training aimed at developing skills and competencies in handling the latest technological tools for data science;

 Train skilled professionals in the current state of the art in data governance, attribute selection and engineering, and the construction and use of learning models suitable for different data regimes and formats.
