Master Degree


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6 Years
31 Jul 2019
Accreditation DGES
Initial registry R/A-Cr 76/2019 de 25-10-2019
Update registry R/A-Cr 76/2019/AL01 de 10-08-2023
Lectured in Portuguese
Teaching Type In person

Faculty for (2024/2025)

Project Design for Data Science | Dissertation in Data Science
Ana Catarina Nunes is an Assistant Professor at ISCTE-IUL. She has a PhD in Mathematics Applied to Economics and Management, a MSc in Operations Research, and graduated in Statistics and Operations Research. She teaches quantitative methods, namely Operations Research and Optimization. She has presented communications in several conferences, and has published in scientific journals such as the European Journal of Operational Research. Her research topics are operations research (combinatorial optimization), mainly on mathematical models and heuristics for the designs of routes and sectors for real applications in delivery and collection systems. In this context, she has been a researcher in projects supported by national funding from FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia) focused on the efficient resource management in environmental services related to household refuse collection.
Project Design for Data Science | Dissertation in Data Science
Sérgio Moro (Dr. Habil. in Information Sciences and Technologies) is Full Professor at ISCTE and Dean of the School of Technology and Architecture (since January of 2025). He was Deputy Director of the Department of Information Sciences and Technologies. He was also (April 2023 - February 2025), Vice-President of the Scientific Council of ISCTE. He was appointed as Honorary Professor of the University of Jordan in March 2024. Sérgio is an interdisciplinary Data Scientist aiming to unveil patterns of knowledge through data-driven approaches. His research interests include Business Intelligence, Data Mining, Data Science, and Decision Support Systems applied to real world problems such as Marketing, Banking, and Tourism. He has published in domains such as Information Systems and Management (e.g., Decision Support Systems, Expert Systems with Applications, International Journal of Information Management, Journal of Information Science), Marketing (e.g., European Journal of Marketing, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Retailing & Consumer Services), Hospitality & Tourism (e.g., Tourism Management, Annals of Tourism Research, International Journal of Hospitality Management, Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management), and Applications to Industry (e.g., Telematics and Informatics, Computers in Industry). His portfolio of publications includes a total of 65 peer-reviewed journal publications, from which 67 are ranked in Q1. He was the first Director of the Master of Data Science at ISCTE from 2020 until 2024, and the first Director of the Bachelor of Digital Technologies and Artificial Intelligence since 2022 until 2024. He has worked for 15 years (2001-2016) at Montepio Bank, from which the last 3 and a half as a Business Intelligence and Analytics Project Coordinator, including projects such as Analytical CRM, IRB (internal ratings-based approach to capital requirements for credit risk), ALM (Asset-Liability Management), and GRC (Governance, Risk and Compliance). His academic background includes a 5 year B.Sc. in Computer Engineering (Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon), a M.Sc. in Management Information Systems (ISCTE-IUL), and a Ph.D. in Information Sciences and Technologies (ISCTE-IUL). Sérgio is Associate Editor of Expert Systems, Wiley (Q2) and was member of the Editorial Board of Tourism Management Perspectives (Q1). He has been among the top 2% researchers worldwide since 2020, according to a Scopus-based study (
Data Science Methodologies and Technologies
Ana Maria de Almeida has a Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics, with a specialization in Computer Science. Her research interests include Algorithmics, Complexity, Machine Learning and Pattern Recognition, Data Science, Evolutionary Computation, and Ethics for AI and Research. She also has a particular interest in the construction of self-adjusting predictive and reactive models for real applications, as well as in the development of evolutionary and hybrid strategies for tackling multicriteria combinatorial problems.  She participates and has participated in fundamental and applied research projects and research & innovation projects between academia and industry, both at national as well as international levels. 
Advanced Network Analysis
António Filipe Fonseca is an engineer and complexity sciences researcher. He graduated in Electronics and Telecommunications from IST in Lisbon and holds a Master's degree and a PhD in Complex Systems Sciences from ISCTE/IUL and Faculdade de Ciências de Lisboa. His main research interests are complex social systems, information dynamics and modelling and simulation of complex systems. He worked in several private companies as an engineer before joining the public service as an IT expert. Currentlys is Assistant professor in ISCTE Sintra and Integrated Researcher  at ISTAR/ISCTE -IUL Lisbon.
Prediction Models
Data Science Methodologies and Technologies | Data Driven Strategy Optimization
Diana E. Aldea Mendes is an associate professor at Department of Quantitative Methods for Management and Economics, ISCTE-IUL Lisbon, Portugal. She is a mathematician and applied scientist with broad experience in nonlinear dynamics (stochastic and deterministic), time series analysis, data science, ML and deep learning, computational economics and finance, control and synchronization. She is a researcher at BRU-IUL (Business Research Unit - University Institute of Lisbon, Portugal) and has authored or co-authored more than 40 technical papers and reports.
Text Mining for Data Science
Fernando Batista received his PhD (2011) in Computer Science and Engineering from Instituto Superior Técnico (IST). He is currently Associate Professor at Iscte - University Institute of Lisbon, and integrated researcher at INESC-ID, Lisbon. He is the Executive Coordinator of the Human Language Technologies Scientific Area at INESC-ID (2021-), and member of the Supervisory Board of CVTT - Iscte-Conhecimento e Inovação (since Apr.2021). He was President of the Pedagogical Council of ISCTE-IUL  (2017-2019), member of the Permanent Committee of the Pedagogical Council of ISCTE-IUL (2015-2017), and member of the Pedagogical Committee of the ISTA School (2015-2017). He is the scientific coordinator of the AppRecommender (2019-2021) project, has coordinated the INESC-ID team in the SpeDial project (2014-2015), and participated in several other European and National projects. His current research focuses on spoken and written Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning, and Text Mining for social media. He has been member of the organisation team of the LxMLS - Lisbon Machine Learning Summer School (since 2016), and was also member of the LxMLS technical staff between (2011-2015). He has participated in the organisation of several scientific events: editorial co-chair of PROPOR 2020, editorial chair of EAMT 2020, web chair of the IPMU 2020, co-chair of the Human-Human languages track of SLATE 2019, co-chair of the demos session in PROPOR 2018, publication chair of IberSPEECH 2016, co-chair of the PROPOR 2016 Student Workshop, publication chair of IberSPEECH 2016, co-chair of the PROPOR 2016 Student Workshop, and handbook chair of EMNLP 2015. He is Senior Member of the IEEE (since 2016), and member of the ISCA Speech (since 2008).
Time Series Analysis and Forecasting
Filipe R. Ramos holds a Ph.D. in Management, specialising in Quantitative Methods, from ISCTE-Business School; a Master's Degree in Financial Mathematics from ISCTE-Business School and Faculty of Sciences, University of Lisbon (FCUL), and also in Mathematics Teaching from NOVA School of Science and Technology, NOVA University of Lisbon (NOVA FCT); a Degree in Mathematics (Teaching) from FCUL. He has taught Mathematics in Primary and Secondary Schools and Applied Mathematics in Vocational Courses, as well as several curricular units (undergraduate and masters) in the scientific field of Mathematics/Statistics in public (FCUL, ISEG- Lisbon School of Economics and Management, NOVA FCT and ISCTE-IUL) and private higher education institutions (European University-UE). He has also been technical-pedagogical collaborator/consultant at IAVE and coordinator of vocational courses and their pedagogical teams. He is currently Associate Professor at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Technology - European University (FCST-UE), collaborator at the ISCTE-Business School and the Higher School of Technology-IPCB (EST-IPCB), and also Integrated Researcher at the Centre for Statistics and Applications of the University of Lisbon (CEAUL). His research activity focuses on data analysis and mathematical modelling. Part of his work focuses on the following topics: (i) "time series analysis and forecasting" (with special applications in the fields of economics, management and finance); (ii) data analysis/data science; (iii) machine learning/deep learning.
Big Data Processing and Modeling
Advanced Network Analysis
Jorge Louçã obtained in 2000 a PhD in Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence from the Université Paris Dauphine, Paris, France and the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon, Portugal. He is, since 2000, professor at the ISCTE-IUL Lisbon University Institute, where he teaches Programming Languages and Complex Systems Science. He founded the Doctoral Programmes in Complexity Sciences, joint academic program at ISCTE-IUL and the University of Lisbon. He coordinates The Observatorium research team and his research interests concern modelling complex social systems through intensive data collection and analysis. He is particularly interested by knowledge generation models in large-scale communication networks. He is also concerned by organising the Complex Systems research community, namelly through the annual Conference on Complex Systems (ECCS or CCS). He participated in the creation of the UNESCO Unitwin network for the Complex Systems Digital Campus, involving institutions from Africa, Latin America and Europe.
Bayesian Modelling | Pattern Recognition
Business Analytics Fundamentals
Advanced Distributed Databases
Paulo Vieira is an invited professor at ISCTE-IUL and student researcher at LASIGE Computer Science and Engineering Research Centre. His academic background includes a 1st cycle degree in Computer Engineering from Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa, a Master's degree in Computer Engineering from Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa. He is currently working on his PhD in Informatics from Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa. His research interests focus on emotion, machine learning and information systems.  
Big Data Management
Professor Pedro Ramos is Full Professor aof the Department of Science and Information Technology ( DCTI ) at ISCTE Lisbon University Institute . It holds a PhD in Science and Information Technology, Master in Management Information Systems.  Between  1999 and 2013 he coordinated masters in the area of Information Systems. Coordinates several IT courses at ISCTE-IUL. Has experience in the development of computer applications to the industry. Regularly participates in funded European projects.
Text Mining for Data Science
Ricardo Ribeiro is an Associate Professor at Iscte - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, since 2020, where he is the coordinator of the Artificial Intelligence scientific area and the director of the Master in Computer Engineering (previously, he was the director of the undergraduate program in Computer Engineering), and a researcher at INESC-ID Lisboa since its creation, working on Human Language Technologies. He received a Ph.D. (2011) in Information Systems and Computer Engineering and an M.Sc. (2003) in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Instituto Superior Técnico and an undergraduate five year degree (1996) in Mathematics/Computer Science from Universidade da Beira Interior. From 1999 to 2011, he was a Lecturer at Iscte, where he was an Assistant Professor from 2011 to 2020. Since 1996, he has been a researcher at INESC/INESC-ID Lisboa, Portugal, working in speech and language processing. He has participated in several European and Nationally-funded projects. He was the Human Language Technologies INESC-ID team coordinator in RAGE (2015-2019) European-funded project and the principal investigator of a Ministry of National Defence funded project on information extraction from text. He was also one the coordinators of the technology transfer project IRIS, a contract with the Supreme Court of Justice of Portugal. He has participated in several scientific events, either as organiser or as member of the program committee (IJCAI, ECAI, LREC, Interspeech, ICASSP) and was the editor of a book on the computational processing of Portuguese. He has successfully co-supervised 3 Ph.D. students and more than 70 M.Sc. students.
Big Data Processing and Modeling
Deep Learning for Computer Vision