Fundação José Neves | Income Share Agreement

The José Neves Foundation, a non-profit organization, is focused on education and the acquisition of transformative skills, with the mission of putting the country at the forefront of human development. To achieve this goal, it strives to create practical programs that allow any citizen to find solutions to continue learning throughout life.
One of these programs, ISA FJN, aims to support access to courses and training that develop the skills of the future and are aligned with the needs of tomorrow. The ISA FJN is based on the Income Share Agreement model, in which the José Neves Foundation pays the tuition fee for the chosen course, and the student will only repay the amount when they earn above a predetermined amount. This program is guaranteed by the European Investment Fund and audited by Ernst & Young.
In this context, Iscte Business School and the José Neves Foundation have established a partnership which seeks to empower students who need financial support to invest in their training and which covers all of Iscte Business School's Masters Programs.
Click here to find out what the requirements are and how to apply!
Rodrigo Guimarães Scholarships

Iscte Business School and Rodrigo Guimarães Institute have signed a protocol for the award of Rodrigo Guimarães Scholarships, which aim to support students with special characteristics of initiative, motivation and commitment in obtaining tools that will allow them to intervene positively in Portuguese society and cumulatively in conditions of proven economic need.
1. Rodrigo Guimarães Scholarship for Bachelor's and Master's Degrees
Rodrigo Guimarães Scholarship for Bachelor's and Master's Degrees covers annual tuition fees, meals, transportation and a supplementary travel allowance if the student is a commuter.
Students who are enrolled on a Bachelor's or Master's degree course in Management or Economics are eligible for the Rodrigo Guimarães Scholarship.
Application process and requirements:
For the purpose of awarding the Rodrigo Guimarães Scholarship, students are considered eligible if:
- they are enrolled in one of the Master courses in Management or Economics
- they are enrolled in a minimum of 60 ECTS;
- They have completed their 1st degree in Higher Education with a final average equal to or greater than 14 points;
- they are residents in Portugal for more than 3 years;
- Does not benefit from other scholarships except those awarded by DGES through Iscte's Social Services;
Further eligible conditions, have to be consulted in the Regulamento.
For the purpose of awarding the Rodrigo Guimarães Scholarship, students are considered eligible if:
- they are enrolled in one of the Degree courses in Management or Economics
- they are enrolled in a minimum of 60 ECTS;
- they have entered Higher Education with a final average of 140 or more;
- they are residents in Portugal for more than 3 years;
- Does not benefit from other scholarships except those awarded by DGES through Iscte's Social Services;
Further eligible conditions, have to be consulted in the Regulamento.
The Rodrigo Guimarães Scholarship has the following components:
- payment of annual fees;
- payment of a monthly amount of 250 euros, during the duration of the Degree, 10 months per year, to compensate current maintenance expenses;
If the grantee is an out of town student, a displacement grant will also be awarded.
The Rodrigo Guimarães Scholarship is awarded for the duration of the Master's (maximum 2 years).
The Rodrigo Guimarães Scholarship is awarded for the duration of the Bachelors (maximum 3 years).
- The application must be submitted by completing a specific form and accompanied by the necessary documents to prove the information provided.
- The candidate must accompany his application with a video of up to two minutes in which he explains his motivations for obtaining the Rodrigo Guimarães Scholarship and which has a content that includes the following questions:
a)Tell us who you are!
b)Why do you want this?
c)What are you going to do with this opportunity?
d)How do you intend to repay society for this opportunity?
- Rodrigo Guimarães Scholarship aims to support students with special characteristics of initiative, motivation and commitment in obtaining tools that allow them to have a positive intervention in Portuguese society and cumulatively in conditions of proven economic need, as indicated in regulation article 2.º, and 8th.
The video and documents requested in articles 6 and 8 must be sent to:
Further eligible conditions, have to be consulted in the Regulamento Bachelor.
Further eligible conditions, have to be consulted in the Regulamento Masters.
The Deadlines for submitting the application and for its assessment are announced annually.
- For the 2024/2025 school year, applications run from September 23th to October 27th!
- For the 2024/2025 school year, applications run from September 23th to October 27th!
Documents sent after the deadline will not be accepted.
The decision on applications for the Rodrigo Guimarães Scholarship is the responsibility of the Rodrigo Guimarães Institute, after analysis of the videos sent and an interview if requested.
2. Rodrigo Guimarães Erasmus+ Scholarship
This Scholarship was created to provide financial support to students in conditions of proven economic need, ensuring that they can enjoy an experience within the scope of the Erasmus+ Mobility Program for Studies and contributing to the reduction of the rate of non-attendance of the Erasmus+ Mobility Program for reasons of economic need.
Its aim is to provide students with special characteristics of initiative, motivation and commitment with the necessary means to pursue their education that includes a European experience, while also encouraging them to pursue and continue the spirit of solidarity that underlies the aims pursued by the Rodrigo Guimarães Institute.
Application process and requirements:
A student is considered eligible for the Rodrigo Guimarães Scholarship if, cumulatively:
- Is enrolled in one of the Bachelor's or Master's degree courses offered by Iscte;
- Have completed a minimum of 60 ECTS, with no failures, in the curricular units in which they were enrolled;
- Have entered Higher Education with a final grade point average equal to or higher than 14 for undergraduate students, or have completed their first degree in Higher Education with a final grade point average equal to or higher than 14 for Master's students;
- Has been resident in Portugal for more than 3 years from the date of application;
- Do not hold a Rodrigo Guimarães scholarship for their bachelor's or master's degree;
- Hold a scholarship awarded under the Erasmus+ Mobility Program for Studies.
For other requirements, please consult the Regulamento (Portuguese language only).
The scholarships for attending a mobility period under the Erasmus+ Program for Studies to be awarded by the Rodrigo Guimarães Institute will be worth €1,800 each.
- Applications must be submitted by filling in an online form that will be made available and accompanied by the necessary documents to prove the information provided.
- In addition, the candidate must accompany their application with a video of up to 2 minutes in which they explain their motivations for obtaining the Rodrigo Guimarães Scholarship with a view to attending an Erasmus + mobility program for Studies and which has a content that encompasses the following questions:
a) Tell us who you are!
b) Why do you want this scholarship?
c) What will you do with this opportunity?
d) How do you intend to give back to society?
Consult the Video Preparation Guide here (Portuguese language only)
Please note: Only videos that comply with the guidelines in this Preparation Guide (Portuguese language only) will be analyzed.
- If you are a recipient of an SAS scholarship, you do not need to submit the documents referred to in paragraph 1 of this article, but simply fill in the form and send the video in accordance with the previous paragraphs.
- An interview with the Rodrigo Guimarães Institute, either in person or online, may be part of the process.
- The video and the requested documents/proof should be sent to:
- For other required conditions, please consult the Regulamento (Portuguese language only).
The deadlines for submitting an application will be announced annually.
For the 2024/2025 school year, applications run from September 23th to October 27th!
The decision to award the Explorer Investments Excellence Scholarship is the responsibility of Explorer Investments, following an analysis of the videos submitted and an interview if requested.
DGES Scholarships

1. Scholarship
The scholarship is an annual cash payment to help cover the costs of attending a course or undertaking a compulsory professional internship, awarded outright and in the respective academic year, whenever the student does not have an adequate level of financial resources.
The grant is valid for one academic year, must be renewed every year and the amount is variable, as it depends on the household's income.
For more information, click here! (Available in Portuguese)
2. Merit Scholarship
The Merit Scholarship is a fixed-rate cash benefit for students who have shown exceptional academic achievement, fully supported by the budget of the Ministry responsible for Higher Education.
It is not necessary for the student to apply. Candidates are selected from lists of students provided by the Teaching Management Services in accordance with the eligibility criteria, and their identification and ranking is the responsibility of a jury appointed by the Chair of the Pedagogical Council.
For more information, click here! (Available in Portuguese)
Duarte Tarré Scholarships

ADT - Associação Duarte Tarré - grants are awarded individually to higher education students who have financial difficulties in pursuing their academic education. Covering the whole of Portugal, this program awards a minimum of 25 social grants every year. Active since 2012, this support for students has already benefited more than 225 people.
For more information on the application process and requirements, click here! (only available in Portuguese)
Leões de Portugal – Associação de Solidariedade Sportinguista, IPSS

The Board of Leões de Portugal - Associação de Solidariedade Sportinguista, IPSS awards scholarships every year.
For more information on the application process and requirements, click here! (only available in Portuguese)
Oeiras City Council Scholarships
1. Scholarships
Every year, Oeiras City Council awards scholarships to residents entering or attending the 1st and 2nd cycles of higher education, depending on the income of the household, who live in the municipality and are entering or attending higher education.
For more information on the application process and regulations, click here! (only available in Portuguese)
All information and clarifications should be requested from Oeiras City Council.
2. PALOP Scholarships
Oeiras City Council awards scholarships to National Higher Education Students from PALOP - Portuguese-speaking African countries, from municipalities with which the Municipality of Oeiras has Cooperation and Twinning Agreements.
For more information click here! (only available in Portuguese)
All information and clarifications should be requested from Oeiras City Council.
Gulbenkian Scholarships
1. Gulbenkian Merit Scholarships

The Gulbenkian Merit Scholarships are designed to support young people with high potential who are applying to higher education for the first time and who have limited financial resources.
For more information on the Application Process, Regulations and Frequently Asked Questions, click here! (available in Portuguese).
2. Gulbenkian New Talent Scholarships

These scholarships are aimed at exceptional students in Portuguese higher education, promoting their talent and stimulating research initiation.
For more information on the Application Process, Regulations and Frequently Asked Questions, click here! (available in Portuguese)
Sara Carreira Association Scholarships

The Sara Carreira Association awards scholarships to students up to the age of 21, helping them to continue their education.
For more information on the application process and regulations, click here! (available in Portuguese)
Corações Com Coroa Association Scholarships

The Corações Com Coroa association has been awarding scholarships to young girls across the country since 2013.
For more information on the application process and requirements, click here! (available in Portuguese).
BAI Europa - Confidence in the Future Scholarships

The BAI Europa Scholarships - Confidence in the Future are the result of a protocol signed between Iscte and BAI Europa Bank with the aim to promote equal opportunities in Higher Education and support the student's individual effort.
You can find the regulation here!
For more information about these scholarships and rules for the attribution see the Iscte website here.
(all forms are only available in Portuguese).

The EPIS Social Scholarships aim to support needy students during their secondary and university education, support the professional integration of young people with disabilities and reward good practices in promoting the social inclusion of children and young people and sustainability and active citizenship.
This program has national coverage: all schools, institutions and students in Portugal (Mainland, Azores and Madeira) - students who have finished 9th grade or 12th grade in inclusive, regular or vocational education, or who have finished post-secondary or undergraduate courses.
For more information on the application process and requirements, click here! (only available in Portuguese)