Master Degree


Catarina Delgado
 Ala Autónoma, Office 236


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6 Years
30 Jul 2019
Accreditation DGES
Initial registry R/A-Cr 42/2012 de 06-06-2012
Update registry R/A-Cr 42/2012/AL01 de 20-08-2014 | R/A-Cr 42/2012/AL02 de 10-02-2020 | R/A-Cr 42/2012/AL03 de 16-09-2021

Tuition fee EU nationals (2025/2026)

1.stYear 5950.00 €
2.rdYear 1950.00 €
Lectured in English
Teaching Type In person

Programme Structure for 2025/2026

1st Year
6.0 ECTS
Corporate Finance
6.0 ECTS
Financial Options
6.0 ECTS
Futures, Forwards and Swaps
6.0 ECTS
Quantitative Methods for Finance
6.0 ECTS
Real Options
6.0 ECTS
Corporate Financial Modelling
6.0 ECTS
Corporate Valuation
6.0 ECTS
Corporate Finance Strategy
6.0 ECTS
Asset and Liability Management
6.0 ECTS
Portfolio Management
6.0 ECTS
Financial Engineering
6.0 ECTS
Risk Management
6.0 ECTS
2nd Year
Seminars in Finance Projects
6.0 ECTS
Master Dissertation in Finance
54.0 ECTS
Master Project in Finance
54.0 ECTS

Recommended optative

Areas of Expertise (1st  Year | 2nd Semester)

 Thematic Area of Financial Markets 

- Risk Management

- Financial Engineering

- Asset and Liability Management

- Portfolio Management

- Free elective

 Thematic Area of Corporate Finance 

- Corporate Valuation

- Real Options

- Corporate Finance Strategy

- Corporate Finance Modelling

- Free elective

Note: Students will have to choose one area of expertise, by the end of the first semester. Priority will be given depending on the ranking obtained at admission to the Program. The slot for each area of expertise is 23 students.


The MSc Finance is recognised by the Financial Times as one of the best programmes in finance in the world. It is designed for students who intend to pursue a career in the financial services industry or in the field of corporate finance. The MSc Finance gives a strong background in the theoretical underpinnings of finance, while offering intensive applied training aimed at developing skills for active interaction in the finance world. Our graduates have earned an excellent reputation in the corporate sector for their outstanding quantitative and technical skills.

The MSc Finance offers:

 Enhanced career prospects: the curriculum is structured to lead up to the CFA exam. We also offer to our students scholarships for the CFA exam.

 Specialisation: there are two areas of expertise (Financial Markets and Corporate Finance), allowing students to customise the program.

 International experience: residential stay in Delaware where students study market microstructure and equity trading on Bloomberg terminals at the University of Delaware, visit the Nasdaq Stock Exchange and Bloomberg. Since 2024 there has been an online Delaware programme too.

Financial data lab: IBS gives students access to financial databases, including Eikon and Bloomberg.

We are negotiating with BNP Paribas to organise company visits and short courses for students.

Objective 1: Display effective written communication skills, including the following aspects: produce a well-structured document; demonstrate that the key messages have been clearly identified; express theoretical arguments to a specific application; summarize ideas and conclusions.

Objective 2: Display effective oral communication skills, including the following aspects: select the appropriate format for a given presentation; demonstrate confidence and that the communication was well-prepared; develop and make presentations with impact.

Objective 3: Develop critical thinking skills, including the following aspects: select and interpret relevant data and references from academic and non-academic sources; identify and debate ethical issues in business and management; formulate well-supported conclusions or solutions, apply appropriate methodologies or formulas to analyze and assess business issues and problems.

Objective 4: Demonstrate knowledge of theories and models relevant in the field of finance including the following aspects: demonstrate an understanding of financial markets and instruments; demonstrate an understanding of the basic asset pricing models and be able to apply the principles of asset valuation to various financial securities; identify and discuss limitations and deviations to basic asset pricing models.

Objective 5: Demonstrate problem-solving skills in the field of finance including the following aspects: demonstrate competence in assessing; analyzing and use of appropriate methodologies and models to solve advanced financial analysis problems; students will be competent in the use of econometric tools and packages to test financial models.
