Lectured in
Teaching Type In person
Faculty for (2024/2025)
Ict'S for Management
Associate Professor - with a Habilitation in Information Science and Technology - in the Department of Information Science and Technology (DCTI-ISTA). Degree in Information Systems and Computer Engineering (5 years course). MD and Ph.D. in Social Psychology. Researcher at Information Sciences, Technologies and Architecture Research Center (ISTAR-IUL). Involved in projects related to applied computing, gamification, technology acceptance, cybercultures, information society, information systems, technologies and education, adolescence, childhood, music, education and learning, suicide prevention, virtual communities, gaming, and social networks. Member of some scientific Associations, such as the Centre for Studies in Suicide and the Portuguese Society of Suicidology. In short, he focuses his work on data science and applied computing in the study of human behaviour in different contexts. He is also the author of many scientific papers, book chapters, and some books, namely, 'Jogos Sérios - A Arte de Gamificar' (Serious Games - The Art of Gamification), ‘O Desafio da Morte’ (The Challenge of Death), Illusions in the Age of Emotions’, or 'O Desafio da Vida' (The Challenge of Life). He has participated in several scientific events and other actions toward the community. He has also participated in radio programs, has always enjoyed playing sports, and advocates a sustainable world and a healthy life, being vegetarian.
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Statistics II
Fundamentals of Management
Álvaro Rosa is a professor of Management. His areas of research and study are Strategy, Governance and Cross-Cultural Management. In addition, he is also a researcher and teacher of Chinese Studies, namely Contemporary China. Currently, he is the Director of Master Degree in Chinese Studies, a joint program of University of Aveiro and ISCTE - IUL. Professionally, he is a coach and trainer in negotiation techniques.
Management Accounting I
Ana Conceição (publication name, Conceição, A.) is an Assistant Professor of Management Accounting and Control at ISCTE-IUL (Lisbon, Portugal). She holds a PhD from ISCTE-IUL. Prior to joining ISCTE-IUL she was Professor at Escola Naval where she taught Accounting, Auditing and Financial Management.
Financial Accounting I
Ana Isabel Lopes, Ph.D., is a full time Assistant Professor of the Accounting Department at Lisbon University Institute (ISCTE-IUL) and integrated member of the researcher center BRU/UNIDE, in Lisbon (Portugal). She has experience in teaching in doctoral and master programs, executive education, and undergraduate programs, engaging in courses related with financial accounting and business reporting, management control in multinationals, and consolidated financial statements. Currently, she is Director of the MSc program in Accounting and she is the Executive Director of the post-graduation in Finance and Accounting Applied. She has an extensive experience in coordinating programs in high education institutions. She also supervises doctoral and master students' dissertations. She is active in presenting conference papers in national and international congresses (by submission or invitation). Her research interests cover international financial accounting and reporting, integrated and sustainability reporting, business combinations, and corporate governance. Ana Isabel has published in leading academic journals such as 'Australian Journal of Management', 'European Business Review', 'Accounting Education', 'Spanish Journal of Finance and Accounting', 'Journal of Economics and Business', and 'Meditari Accountancy Research'.
Management Control
Strategic Management
Human Resources Management
Andrea Fontes is an invited teacher, a psychologist, a coach and a consultant in Human Resources. She holds two degrees, respectively in the areas of Organization and Business management and Psychology, a Master in Psychology, Counseling and Psychotherapy and a Phd in Organizational Psychology in ISCTE. She has 20 years experience in multinational companies practice field, in several areas, from Marketing&Sales to Consumer Research and Human Resources.
Publications in scientific journals and book chapters have been mainly within the coaching topic. Her researches were also presented in several national and international conferences. Research interests revolve around HR practices for development and positive interventions at the workplace.
International Finance
Mathematics |
Financial Reporting
Marketing Management
Company Evaluation and Restructuring
Felipa de Mello-Sampayo is Assistant Professor in the Department of Economics at ISCTE-IUL, Instituto Universitário de Lisboa and integrated researcher in BRU-IUL. The PhD Thesis in Economics from University of Birmingham in 2001 was publish at The British Library.
Among her several peer review publications, all published after the PhD and indexed in Scopus and Thomson Reuters Web of Knowledge (WoS), there are 14 manuscripts without coauthors.
Her research focus in microeconomics models and their empirical application in several fields of social science.
Coordinator of the project PTDC/EGE-ECO/104157/2008, entitled "Health and Economic Growth" funded by the Portuguese Government under Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT). Coeditor of special issues entitled “Spatial Econometrics Analysis of Sustainability” of Sustainability and "Heathcare in China" of the Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health.
Financial Calculus
Academic part of Doctorate Program in Corporate Finance
Universidade Complutense de Madrid e Universidade Autónoma de Madrid, Spain
from October 2008 to July 2010. Final Grade Average: 7.5 points in 10
MBA specialized in Finance
UCP - Católica-Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal
from September 1996 to July 1998. Final Grade Average: 15 points in 20
Degree in Management (electives in Finance)
ISCTE-IUL – Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal
from October 1986 to July 1991. Final Grade Average: 16 points in 20
Work experience
Since 2001, ISCTE – IUL, Lisbon. Invited Lecturer of Corporate Finance and Markets, in undergraduate, master and post-graduate degrees, namely in courses of Project Evaluation, Capital Budgeting, Financial Analysis, Return and Solvency, Financial Calculation, Capital Markets, Bonds and Shares, Capital Structure and Funding, Finance in Marketing (mostly held in English and with a very strong component of case studying). Co-author in two finance books. Communication, writing and motivating skills and flexibility.
Since 2009, Analyst, as freelancer, of new business projects of Portuguese SMEs in several industries. Capital Budgeting, Project Evaluation. Investment decision maker and financial consultant. Critical thinking skills.
Investor and Manager of own portfolio of financial and real estate assets.
From 2002 to 2009, Founder and managing director of a small business in the tourism and events industry, managing a team of 10 employees. Strong customer relations. Business sold in successful performance momentum. Interpersonal, planning and organizational skills.
From 1991 to 2001, Banco BCP / Banco Mello / Fungest (currently Banco BPI) – Portuguese Investment Banks, Lisbon. Portfolio Manager of Mutual Funds and Pension Funds. Equity analysis, Fixed income analysis, Data analysis, Investment decision, Trading operations, Performance evaluation, Financial Marketing. Analytical, quantitative and forecast skills.
Financial Accounting II
ILÍDIO TOMÁS LOPES He was born on January 18, 1966, in the municipality of Abrantes. He is currently a professor at “Iscte Instituto Universitário de Lisboa” and an associate member of the “Bru_iscte Business Research Unit” at the same institution. He is also a lecturer on the Executive Master's Degree in Business Management at Iscte_Executive Education. Lecturer on the postgraduate course in Economics and Regulation of Financial Institutions at IPPS_ISCTE. He is currently: Director of “Audax_iscte”; Member of the Supervisory Board of Novartis Farma - Produtos Farmacêuticos, SA. Chairman of the Supervisory Board of “Associação Iscte Conhecimento e Inovação” and Member of the Supervisory Board of OROC - Ordem dos Revisores Oficiais de Contas. He is also an advisor to the Opinion Council of RTP - Rádio e Televisão de Portugal, SA, on economic and financial matters. He was a Non-Executive Director, Member of the Audit Committee and Member of the Corporate Governance Committee of Banco BIC Português, S.A. (EuroBic). He holds a PhD in Business Management, specializing in Accounting (University of Coimbra, 2009), a Master's degree in Statistics and Information Management (ISEGI, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 2001) and a degree in Business Organization and Management (ISEG, University of Lisbon, 1990). A lecturer in higher education since 1994, he was a lecturer at the School of Management and Technology of the Polytechnic Institute of Santarém (1997 to 2013), and in recent years has held the position of director of that institution. He was also a collaborative lecturer at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra (2006 to 2011). He is currently responsible for several curricular units, including: Auditing; Financial Auditing; Financial Performance Assessment; Financial Accounting II; Banking Accounting. He has also held management positions in several multinational companies. Author of several scientific publications, member of various national and international scientific committees and reviewer of articles for scientific journals in the areas of Management and Accounting. Author of the books “KPIs - Key Performance Indicators - Monitoring Business Performance” (Editora D'Ideias, 2025), “Financial Accounting: Theory and Practice” (Editoria D'Ideias, 2022, 2025), “Management Control: An Integrated View of Business Performance” (Edições Almedina, 2019, 2020, 2025), “Accounting and Finance for Non-Financial Managers” (Edições Almedina, 2020, 2023), “Financial Auditing: From Internal Control to Independent External Control” (Edições Almedina, 2019, 2022), ‘Financial Accounting: Preparation of Financial Statements, their Disclosure and Analysis’ (Escolar Editora, 2013, 2017), ‘The Management of Intellectual Capital and Intangibles in the Knowledge Era’ (Escolar Editora, 2013) and ‘Financial Accounting: Solved and Proposed Exercises’ (Almedina Editores, 2017, 2019, 2021, 2023). Co-author of the book “Das Sociedades:Aspectos Contabilísticos e Fiscais” (Escolar Editora, 2016), among others.He has published in several international journals, including: Measuring Business Excellence; International Journal of Business Excellence; Contaduría y Administración; International Journal of Disclosure and Governance; International Journal of Business Performance Management; Business: Theory and Practice.His main areas of interest are: 1. Financial Accounting; 2. Corporate Governance; 3. Auditing and Internal Control; 4. Financial Management and Performance; 5. Risk Assessment and Compliance.
Strategic Management
Financial Accounting I
Isabel Lourenço is Full Professor and Director of the Accounting Department at ISCTE-IUL. She has a PhD in Management (specialization in Accounting) from ISCTE-IUL. She has about 30 years of experience teaching accounting topics in several academic programs (Bachelor, Master and PhD Programs) and Executive education programs at ISCTE-IUL.
She is a visiting professor at the University of São Paulo, where she teaches regularly in the Master and PhD programs in accounting. She has also been teaching and giving leatures at other universities in Brazil and at universities from other countries including the University of Glasgow, the Coventry University, and the University of Lille.
She is an Integrated Researcher at the ISCTE Business Research Unit (BRU-IUL). She regularly presents the results of her research at the most prestigious international scientific conferences. She has authored several scientific papers published in leading scientific journals including, for example, the European Accounting Review, Accounting and Business Research, Accounting Forum, Journal of Accounting in Emerging Economies, and Journal of Business Ethics. She has also authored more than 10 accounting text-books.
She has played an important role in the bodies that regulate accounting in Portugal. She is the Coordinator of the Corporate Accounting Standardization Committee of the Portuguese Accounting Standards Board (Comissão de Normalização Contabilística). She is also member of the jury of the Exam of entrance to the Portuguese Association of Chartered Accountants (Ordem dos Revisores Oficiais de Contas).
Currently, she is also a member of the Supervisory Board of Payshop and IMGA.
Marketing Management
João Guerreiro, PhD Marketing (ISCTE-IUL, Portugal), Associate Professor of Marketing with Habilitation and integrated researcher at BRU-IUL. Research interests focused in the area of Consumer Behavior and Relationship Marketing, namely in the implications of technologies (Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, Artificial Intelligence, IoT) for Marketing, with published articles in several scientific journals such as Tourism Management, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Sustainable Tourism, Journal of Business Ethics among others. Director of the Master in Marketing at ISCTE-IUL between 2017 and 202. Professional experience as a senior consultant in Business Intelligence projects.
J. Rocha is a theoretical physicist with broad interests spanning gravitation, high-energy physics and mathematical physics. His research focuses on the study of black holes and other solutions of General Relativity, and extensions thereof. He obtained a PhD degree in Physics from University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB) in 2008, under the supervision of Prof. Joseph Polchinski. He earned his pre-Bologna bachelor degree in Technological Physics Engineering, in 2002, from Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), University of Lisbon. He is currently an Assistant Professor of the Department of Mathematics at ISCTE-IUL. Between 2015 and 2019 he worked as a research post-doc fellow at Universitat de Barcelona.
In total, J. Rocha has published 30+ original articles in top international peer-reviewed journals. He has vast experience in oral presentations (20+ invited seminars at various institutes in the USA, UK, Belgium, Japan, Brazil, Spain and Portugal; 30+ oral communications at international conferences). He regularly engages in outreach activities.
J. Rocha organized 6 scientific meetings, among which four were international conferences/workshops. He supervised 1 Master thesis, and co-supervised one PhD student and another Master student. He was a member of the examination committee of 2 PhD students and 4 Master students. He is the recipient of 5 prizes and awards, including a Marie Sklodowska-Curie individual fellowship. He is a member of Sociedade Portuguesa de Relatividade e Gravitação.
Final Project in Accounting
José Miguel Rodrigues is a statutory auditor and partner in Azevedo Rodrigues, Batalha, Costa e Associados, SROC. Activities developed include statutory audit activities in over 50 companies, due diligences and company evaluation. He is also a consultant of Prótotipo, Sistemas de Informação, S.A. where he is responsible for the design team of GERIR® (ERP) e DEFIR® (financial reporting software). Consultant of CBR - Consultoria e Investimentos for projects in the tax and management control systems areas.
He was also non-executive administrator of Parpública – Participações Públicas (SGPS), S.A. from 2020 to 2024.
He teaches in several training actions of OROC (Ordem dos Revisores Oficiais de Contas) where he was a jury member of the Order's Admission Exam from 2015 to 2021. Lectures Corporate Accounting Project and Applied Management Control Systems in ISCTE and several other subjects such as financial and managerial accounting in other universities, companies and other entities in Portugal, Angola,Cape Verde and Mozambique.
Author of the compilation "Sistema de Normalização Contabiística" and co-author of "As novas demonstrações financeiras - de acordo com as normas internacionais de contabilidade".
Fundamentals of Management
Fundamentals of Management
Assistant Professor (invited) of Management in the Marketing, Operations, and General Management Department at ISCTE - IUL Business School. Holds a BA and MA in Economics, an MSc in Finance, and a PhD in Management with specialization in strategy and entrepreneurship. He has supervised theses in various business areas, including art markets. His research interests include entrepreneurship and business models, art market studies, and management of arts organizations and currently lectures on cultural management and cultural entrepreneurship. In addition to academic activities, he has 20 years' experience in banking and financial markets. He is a CFA Charteholder and member of CFA Society Portugal and TIAMSA.
Corporate Finance |
Financial Assets Management
Company Law
Ph.D. in Corporate Law at ISCTE - Lisbon University Institute, in 2015.
LL.M. in Private Law at University of Lisbon Law School, in 1998.
LL.M. in Public Law at Catholic University (Lisbon) Law School, in 1993.
Law Degree at Catholic University (Lisbon) Law School, in 1988.
PostDoc in Law at Instituto Jurídico of the Faculty of Law of the University of Coimbra, in 2022.
Luís Clemente-Casinhas holds a BSc degree in Management from Nova School of Business and Economics. He completed his MSc in Economics and his PhD in the same field (with a scholarship from FCT) at ISCTE-IUL. In 2019, he began his role as Invited Teaching Assistant at ISCTE-IUL, in the Macroeconomics courses of the Economics Department. He is an Invited Assistant Professor not only at ISCTE-IUL but also at Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa, presenting teaching experience at ISEG Lisbon School of Economics and Management as well. He is certified as a Specialist in Microsoft Office Excel (2013), having received the Nova Excellence Award in 2014 and the IBS TOP Master distinction in 2018. He conducts research in the areas of Central Banking and inequality, being part of a project led by the London School of Economics.
Fundamentals of Finance
Financial Audit |
Ethical Issues in Accounting
Company Evaluation and Restructuring |
Final Project in Finance
Statistics I
Maria da Conceição Torres Figueiredo (1966) is Associate Professor of Quantitative Methods at ISCTE-IUL, Portugal, since 1997. She studied economics and econometrics at ISEG-UTL, Portugal (Licenciatura in Economics, 1991; M.S. in Mathematical Modeling for Economics and Management, 1994) and Quantitative Methods at the Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL), (Ph.D. in Quantitative Methods, 2011). Her research focus on Longitudinal Data Analysis and Applied Microeconometrics. Participated in projects, studies, workshops and communications in national and international congresses. of journals where she published: The Portuguese Journal of Social Science; Social Policy and Society; International Labour Review and Jounal of Youth Studies.
Financial Accounting II
Maria Manuela Martins is Assistant Professor at Accounting Department of ISCTE Business School - University Institute of Lisbon (ISCTE-IUL). She obtained a Master Degree in Business Administration specialization in Information Systems Management and a PhD in Management, specialization in Accounting (University Institute of Lisbon - ISCTE-IUL). She is a research in the fields of Knowledge Management, Intellectual capital and Financial Accounting.
She has a degree in Law (2010) by UCP, and in Business Management (1992) by ISCTE. She is enrolled in the 3rd Study Cycle (Ph.D in Management, specializing in accounting). She had successfully concluded the examinations and internship to be Statutory Chapter of Account. She is a Certified Accountant and holds the Professional Aptitude Certificate (“CAP”).
She started her professional activity in audit/assurance, but specialized in tax consultancy, where she has been practicing for more than 27 years. She is currently responsible for the coordination of all Tax Due Diligence work, in the Corporate Finance - Transaction Services division, at a Big4, and also for developing training sections for clients.
In terms of academic activities, she has been professor at ISCTE, in the subject of Taxation, since 2011. She has also taught modules in the area of taxation in postgraduate courses and master's degrees, coordinated by ISCTE-INDEG, Instituto do Direito do Trabalho, Nova-SBE, Universidade da Madeira and at Universidade Católica Portuguesa.
She is corporate body, on a voluntary basis, in associations of a social nature, such as CAIS, a Câmara de Commércio Portugal Moçambique and PWN Lisbon.
She has been a “Family Friend” of institutionalized children.
Strategic Management
Marjan S. Jalali is Associate Professor at the ISCTE Business School of the University Institute of Lisbon, and researcher at the Business Research Unit (BRU-IUL). She holds a BA in Economics and Management from the University of Oxford; a MA in Organisation Studies from the university of Warwick; and a PhD in Management from the University of Sydney. Some of her works have been published nationally and internationally, in journals such as the Journal of Business Research and the International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making. Her research interests include CSR and sustainability, diversity and inclusion, social marketing, consumer ethics, and strategy.
Marketing Management
Mónica Mendes Ferreira is a Visiting Assistant Professor at ISCTE Business School and a researcher at BRU. She works in the social sciences area(s), emphasizing Economics and Management. Her academic background is interdisciplinary, combining a degree in Marketing and Communication, a Postgraduate Diploma in Organizational Behavior and Management, and a PhD in management in the marketing specialty with the theme of Human-Artificial Intelligence Engagement. She published scientific articles in top journals with collaborators(s) in co-authorship, 2 book chapters, and proceedings at conferences. Have extensive teaching experience, from bachelor's in Marketing and Management to different master's and Post Degree and Executive Education. At a professional level, over 20 years of experience in different sectors such as FMCG, Mass Media, Advertising Agencies, Associations, and Consulting. Her current research interests include consumer behaviour, digital marketing, social media, branding, communication, tourism marketing and the connections between marketing and VR, AR and AI.
Financial Accounting I
PhD in Accounting and MBA in Management, by ISCTE-IUL, Post-Graduate in Finance, by CEMAF-ISCTE and Graduate in Management, by UML. He is coordinator of Courses of Taxation, Business Taxation, Company Tax Management, Principles and Procedures of Tax Litigation and Taxation of Non-Residents. He is Director of the MsC in Management at ISCTE-IUL and Director of Post-Graduation in Tax Management at INDEG-ISCTE.
Ict'S for Management
Financial Accounting I
Financial Data: Modelling and Analysis
Management Accounting I
Assistant Guest Professor - ISCTE-IUL (2021-Present Day)
Functional Consultant - Protótipo Sistema de Informação S.A. (2021-Present Day)
Accounting Technician - Winning Ways, Lda(2020)
Management Consultant - Independent (2018-2019)
Business Process Analyst - A Montra / The Window (2017)
Management Accounting II
Rúben S. Barros is an Assistant Professor of Management Accounting and Control at Iscte – Instituto Universitário de Lisboa and associated researcher at the Business Research Unit (BRU-IUL). His current research interests are related to management accounting and control. Particularly, he has investigated management control systems design and use with a focus on innovation, and performance measurement and management in public organizations. He has published in reputable international peer-reviewed journals like Journal of Accounting and Organizational Change, Journal of Management Control, and Qualitative Research in Accounting and Management.
Mathematics |
Financial Modelling and Business Plan |
Final Project in Finance
Vivaldo Mendes has been a Professor of Economics at the Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL) since 1998. He holds a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Sussex and a degree in Economics from the Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão of the University of Lisbon. He has held several university management positions in the last two decades always at ISCTE-IUL, from Vice-Rector between 2005 and 2009, President of the General Assembly between 2002 and 2005, Director of the Department of Economics between 2010 and 2014, elected member of the General Assembly between 2000 and 2002, member of the Scientific Council between 2010 and 2014, and Director of the Master in Economics between 2010 and 2013. He was also a member of two specialized committees of the Council of Rectors of Portuguese Universities (CRUP) representing ISCTE-IUL between 2005 and 2009, and a guest lecturer at the Higher Institute of Military Studies (IESM) between 2010 and 2016. Vivaldo Mendes has taught various subjects over the years, ranging from macroeconomics, introduction to computation for economics and finance, monetary and financial economics, to international economics, microeconomics, and game theory. He has published in macroeconomics, optimal monetary policy, and complex dynamical systems. He is a committed supporter of the "open-source software" movement and an active member of the Julia computing language. For more information, see his website: