II Iscte Doctoral Colloquium in Accounting Research

II Iscte Doctoral Colloquium in Accounting Research
In Partnership with University of São Paulo
July 22-23, 2024 – Online/Hybrid
We are pleased to announce the II Iscte Doctoral Colloquium in Accounting Research on July 22-23, 2024, in ONLINE/HYBRID FORMAT, which will be jointly held by the Accounting Department of ISCTE Business School (Portugal) and the Graduate Program in Controllership and Accounting at FEA-USP (Brasil).
The Doctoral Colloquium aims to help students from any University to improve the quality of their theses and the impact of their research, both at the national and international levels. It will also contribute to the integration of graduate students with their colleagues from European and Brazilian Universities, as well as with international researchers.
The language of the event is English.
Submission and participation in the Doctoral Colloquium are free of charge.
Format and activities
Experienced international researchers will give lectures about relevant issues in accounting research and, together with Iscte and USP faculty members, they can participate in guided discussions of the research proposals submitted by the students, aiming to contribute to their development. Proposals with either quantitative or qualitative methodological approaches are welcome.
July 22-23 Doctoral Colloquium
June 09 Due date for sending the Research Proposals
June 20 Announcement of the Research Proposals selected
Organizing Committee University Institute od Lisbon - ISCTE-IUL |
Organizing Committee University of São Paulo (BR) |
Isabel Lourenço Ana Conceição Ana Isabel Lopes Inna Paiva Rúben Barros |
Renê Coppe Pimentel Andson Braga de Aguiar Lucas Ayres B.C. Barros Luís Eduardo Afonso Mara Jane Contrera Malacrida Raquel Wille Sarquis |
Monday, July 22nd, 2023 (WEST – Western European Summer Time - GMT+1)
- 12:00 – 12:30 – Welcome address
- 12:30 – 14:00 – Lecture 1
- 14:00 – 14:30 – Coffee Break
- 14:30 – 16:00 – Lecture 2
- 16:00 – 17:30 – Coffee Break
- 17:30 – 19:00 – Lecture 3
Tuesday, July 23rd, 2023 (WEST – Western European Summer Time - GMT+1)
- 12:30 – 14:00 – Guided Discussions
- 14:00 – 14:30 – Coffee Break
- 14:30 – 16:00 – Guided Discussions
- 16h00 – 17h30 – Coffee Break
- 17:30 – 19:00 – Guided Discussions
- 19:00 – 19:15 – Closing remarks
Candidates should submit a short research proposal, in English, formatting suggestion: TimesNewRoman, 12pts, line spacing 1.5. Proposals should include the following sections (the number of pages in parentheses is only a suggestion):
1) Cover page with the Title, Abstract, Keywords, and the name and affiliation of the PhD student
2) Introduction (approx. 1 page)
i) Research problem (and its importance)
ii) Research questions
iii) Contribution to knowledge and practice
3) Literature review (approx. 3 pages)
i) Gaps in the literature that justify research
ii) Hypotheses (if applicable)
iii) Theoretical lens (if applicable)
4) Methodology (approx. 4 pages)
i) Sample, variables and models (for quantitative studies)
ii) Research methods, sources of data and analysis of data (for qualitative studies)
5) References (approx. 1 page)
The selection process includes an analysis of adherence to the colloquium’s topics and basic methodological aspects and the stage of the project (finished papers or projects that are too early-stage may not be accepted).
A certificate will be offered to students who attend all lecture sessions and present their projects.
The proposals should be sent to the following electronic form:
Questions and additional information: ppgcc@usp.br (Andrés Torres) and phd@iscte-iul.pt (Aleksandra Marques). Please, indicate in the email subject “Submission to Doctoral Colloquium 2024”