Marco Alexandre de Oliveira Leite
- Perfil
- Atividades Académicas
- Atividades Científicas
- Outras Atividades
Tipo | Programa | Instituição | Ano |
Doutoramento | Leaders for Technical Industries | Instituto Superior Técnico | 2012 |
Unidades curriculares
Dissertação de Mestrado
Ana Catarina Ribeiro Lopes da Fonseca, "Integração de Digital Twins em Empresas Portuguesas: Identificação de Fatores Facilitadores, Barreiras e Resultados", Marco Alexandre de Oliveira Leite, Dissertação de Mestrado, Concluída, 2024
Carlos Filipe da Silva Rodrigues, "Greencitrus - Desenvolvimento de Novos Produtos", Marco Alexandre de Oliveira Leite, Dissertação de Mestrado, Concluída, 2015
Marta Alexandra Rodrigues Eiras, "O Processo de Réplica: O caso de estudo pedagógico do projeto re-food", Marco Alexandre de Oliveira Leite, Dissertação de Mestrado, Concluída, 2015
Projecto final
Mariana Areosa Santos, "The benefits of additive manufacturing on spare parts management", Marco Alexandre de Oliveira Leite, Projecto final, Concluída, 2019
Maria Teresa Vieira Vilela Onofre, "Marketing Emocional: Uma Proposta de Reposicionamento da Mon Chéri", Marco Alexandre de Oliveira Leite, Projecto final, Concluída, 2017
Donato Boccardi, "Creativity for All: Microsoft Italia business case", Marco Alexandre de Oliveira Leite, Projecto final, Concluída, 2017
Isidro Costa Batista de Sousa, "Gestão da Inovação: Implementação de novos Serviços na alavancagem de serviços tradicionais", Marco Alexandre de Oliveira Leite, Projecto final, Concluída, 2016
Názia Sikander Mahomed, "O Impacto da Estratégia de Internacionalização no Desenvolvimento do Produto - O caso Vortal", Marco Alexandre de Oliveira Leite, Projecto final, Concluída, 2016
Artigos Científicos em Revistas Internacionais
P. Areias, Silvestre, N, Vaz, MF & Leite, M. (2025). A new porous constitutive model for additively manufactured PLA. International Journal of Solids and Structures. 307, 113131, Ciência-IUL
Oliveira, Fernando A Costa, Barreiros, M Alexandra, Sardinha, Manuel, Leite, M., Fernandes, Jorge Cruz & Abanades, Stéphane (2025). Thermochemical performance of ceria coated-macroporous 3D-printed black zirconia structures for solar CO/H2 fuels production. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 100, 477-490, Ciência-IUL
Marques, Diana MC, Jabouille, Madalena, Gusmão, Afonso, Leite, M., Sanjuan-Alberte, Paola & Ferreira, Frederico Castelo (2025). Microalgae-enriched (bio) inks for 3D bioprinting of cultured seafood. npj Science of Food. 9 (1), 23, Ciência-IUL
Costa Oliveira, Fernando Almeida, Sardinha, Manuel, Galindo, José, Rodríguez, José, Ca{\~n}adas, Inmaculada, Leite, M....Fernandes, Jorge Cruz (2023). Manufacturing and Thermal Shock Resistance of 3D-Printed Porous Black Zirconia for Concentrated Solar Applications. Crystals. 13 (9), 1323, Ciência-IUL
P. Areias, T. Rabczuk, Vaz, M.F., Sardinha, M. & Leite, M. (2022). A consistent algorithm for finite-strain visco-hyperelasticity and visco-plasticity of amorphous polymers. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering., Ciência-IUL
André Oliveira, Leite, M., Luis Reis, Diogo C. Nascimento, António R. Ribeiro, Filipe S. Cunha, Marco Leite, Frederico Alves, Augusto Moita de Deus...M Fátima Vaz (2022). Evaluation of cellular structures with triply periodic minimal surfaces fabricated by additive manufacturing. Engineering Manufacturing Letters., Ciência-IUL
Bruno Soares, Ribeiro, Inês, Gonçalo Cardeal, Leite, M. & Carvalho, Helena (2021). Social life cycle performance of additive manufacturing in the healthcare industry: the orthosis and prosthesis cases. International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing. 34 (3), 327-340, Ciência-IUL
Monteiro, Diogo Líbano, Vicente, Carlos Miguel Santos, Leite, M. & António Manuel Relógio Ribeiro (2020). Development of a cylindrical coordinate-based fused filament fabrication machine with multiple print heads. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 110 (11-12), 3129-3143, Ciência-IUL
Monteiro, JG, Sardinha, M., Alves, F, AR Ribeiro, Luis Reis, AM Deus...M Fátima Vaz (2020). Evaluation of the effect of core lattice topology on the properties of sandwich panels produced by additive manufacturing. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials: Design and Applications., Ciência-IUL
Sardinha, Manuel, Vicente, Carlos MS, Nuno André Mateus De Marques Frutuoso, Leite, M., Ribeiro, A.R. & Luis Reis (2020). Effect of the ironing process on ABS parts produced by FDM. Material Design \& Processing Communications. e151, Ciência-IUL
Sardinha, M., Frutuoso, N., Vicente, C. M. S., Ribeiro, R., Leite, M. & Reis, L. (2020). Influence of seams in the mechanical properties of PLA produced with multiple extrusion modules. Procedia Structural Integrity. 28, 358-363, Ciência-IUL
Vicente, C. M. S., Martins, T. S., Leite, M., Ribeiro, A. & Reis, L. (2020). Influence of fused deposition modeling parameters on the mechanical properties of ABS parts. Polymers for Advanced Technologies. 31 (3), 501-507, Ciência-IUL
Elcin Aleixo Calado, Leite, M. & Silva,A. (2019). Integrating life cycle assessment (LCA) and life cycle costing (LCC) in the early phases of aircraft structural design: an elevator case study. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment. 24 (12), 2091-2110, Ciência-IUL
Luís Miguel Ferreira, Leite, M., Ribeiro, A.M.R., AM Deus, Luis Reis & Vaz, M.F. (2019). Failure of polymer coated nylon parts produced by additive manufacturing. Engineering Failure Analysis., Ciência-IUL
Vicente, C.M.S., Fernandes, J., Luis Reis, AM Deus, Vaz, M.F. & Leite, M. (2019). Effect of protective coatings on the water absorption and mechanical properties of 3D printed PLA. Frattura ed Integrita Strutturale. 13 (48), 748-756, Ciência-IUL
Silva, A., Leite, M., Vilas-Boas, J. & Simões, R. (2019). How education background affects design outcome: teaching product development to mechanical engineers, industrial designers and managers. European Journal of Engineering Education. 44 (4), 545-569, Ciência-IUL
Leite, M., Varanda, A., Ribeiro, A., Silva & Vaz, M.F. (2018). Mechanical properties and water absorption of surface modified ABS 3D printed by fused deposition modelling. Rapid Prototyping Journal. 24 (1), 195-203, Ciência-IUL
Peças, P., Carvalho, H., Salman, H. & Leite, M. (2018). Natural fibre composites and their applications: a review. Journal of Composites Science. 2 (4), Ciência-IUL
Araújo, H., Leite, M., Ribeiro, A. R., Deus, A. M., Reis, L. & Vaz, M. F. (2018). The effect of geometry on the flexural properties of cellular core structures. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials: Design and Applications. 233 (3), 338-347, Ciência-IUL
Calado, E. A., Leite, M. & Silva, A. (2018). Selecting composite materials considering cost and environmental impact in the early phases of aircraft structure design. Journal of Cleaner Production. 186, 113-122, Ciência-IUL
Panda, B. N., Leite, M., Biswal, B. B., Niu, X. & Garg, A. (2018). Experimental and numerical modelling of mechanical properties of 3D printed honeycomb structures. Measurement. 116, 495-506, Ciência-IUL
Santos, S., Soares, B., Leite, M. & Jacinto, J. (2017). Design and development of a customised knee positioning orthosis using low cost 3D printers. Virtual and Physical Prototyping. 12 (4), 322-332, Ciência-IUL
Leite, M., Ribeiro, A.J. & Baptista, A. M. R. (2017). A trap of optimizing skills use when allocating human resources to a multiple projects environment. Team Performance Management. 23 (3-4), 110-123, Ciência-IUL
Panda, B. N., Bahubalendruni, R. M. V. A., Biswal, B. B. & Leite, M. (2017). A CAD-based approach for measuring volumetric error in layered manufacturing. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science. 231 (13), 2398-2406, Ciência-IUL
Leite, M., Baptista, A. J. & Ribeiro, A. (2016). A road map for implementing lean and agile techniques in SMEs product development teams. International Journal of Product Development. 21 (1), 20-40, Ciência-IUL
Leite, M. & Braz, V. (2016). Agile manufacturing practices for new product development: industrial case studies. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management. 27 (4), 560-576, Ciência-IUL
Leite, M., Silva, A., Henriques, E. & Madeira, J. (2015). Materials selection for a set of multiple parts considering manufacturing costs and weight reduction with structural isoperformance using direct multisearch optimization. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization. in press, 1-10, Ciência-IUL
Leite, M., Silva, J. & Duarte de Almeida, I. (2013). Creative teaching of new product development to operations managers. International Journal of Social, Behavioral, Educational, Economic, Business and Industrial Engineering. 7 (10), 1943-1949, Ciência-IUL
Reis, L., Li, B., Leite, M. & Freitas, M. (2005). Effects of non-proportional loading paths on the orientation of fatigue crack path. Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures. 28 (5), 445-454, Ciência-IUL
Capítulos de Livros
Vicente, C.M.S., Jorge Jacinto, Hugo Carvalho, Ribeiro, A., Luis Reis, Leite, M....Esteves, S. (2020). Design and Modelling Approaches. In Advanced Structured Materials. (pp. 57-91)., Ciência-IUL
Luís Miguel Ferreira, Machado, M., Henriques, E., Leite, M., Paulo Peças & Nuno André Mateus De Marques Frutuoso (2020). State-of-the-Art Review and Roadmap. In Advanced Structured Materials. (pp. 1-56)., Ciência-IUL
Leite, M., Silva, A., Silva, Arlindo, Silva,A. & Henriques, E. (2014). On the Influence of Material Selection Decisions on Second Order Cost Factors. In Henriques, Elsa and Pecas, Paulo and Silva, Arlindo (Ed.), Technology and Manufacturing Process Selection. (pp. 59-79).: Springer London., Ciência-IUL
Comunicações Publicadas em Acta de Conferências
Leite, M., Nuno André Mateus De Marques Frutuoso, Bruno Soares & Rodrigo Martins De Matos Ventura (2020). Multiple collaborative printing heads in FDM: The issues in process planning. In Solid Freeform Fabrication 2018: Proceedings of the 29th Annual International Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium - An Additive Manufacturing Conference, SFF 2018. (pp. 2135-2141)., Ciência-IUL
Koronis, Georgios, Meurzec, Rianne Wally, Silva,A., Leite, M., Henriques, E. & Yogiaman, Christine (2019). Cross-cultural differences in creative ideation: A comparison between Singaporean and Portuguese students. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering Design, ICED. (pp. 89-98)., Ciência-IUL
Leite, M., Madeira, J., Silva, A., Henriques, E. & Roth, R. (2012). Optimization in materials selection under a multi-part environment with Direct Multi-Search. In The Eleventh International Conference on Computational Structures Technology., Ciência-IUL
Leite, M., João Lope & Silva, A. (2005). Estudo experimental e analítico, em compressão de diferentes espumas para aplica{ç}ão em constru{ç}ão sandwich”. In 6{\textordmasculine} Congresso Nacional de Mec{\^a}nica Experimental., Ciência-IUL
Leite, M., Silva, A. & Manuel Freitas (2005). Elastic Behaviour of Z Reinforced Sandwich Beams. In Sandwich Structures 7: Advancing with Sandwich Structures and Materials. (pp. 271-280).: Springer., Ciência-IUL
Marta Rodrigues, Leite, M., Carlos Coelho & Luís Miguel Ferreira (2005). Comportamento mecânico de placas de material compósito sujeito a impacto. In 6º Congresso Nacional de Mecânica Experimental, Açores, Portugal., Ciência-IUL
Leite, M., Silva, A. & Manuel Freitas (2004). Elastic behaviour of reinforced sandwich beams. In The Seventh International Conference on Computational Structures Technology., Ciência-IUL
Manuel Freitas, Luis Reis, Leite, M. & Bin Li (2003). Effects of the Non-Proportional Loading Path on the Fatigue Crack Path. In FCP2003., Ciência-IUL
Miranda, A., Leite, M., Luis Reis, Copin, E., Vaz, M.F. & AM Deus (2021). Evaluation of the influence of design in the mechanical properties of honeycomb cores used in composite panels. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials: Design and Applications. 235 (6), 1325-1340, Ciência-IUL
Magalhães, S., Sardinha, M., Vicente, C.M.S., Leite, M., Ribeiro, A., Vaz, M.F....Luis Reis (2021). Validation of a low-cost selective powder deposition process through the characterization of tin bronze specimens. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials: Design and Applications. 235 (12), 2681-2691, Ciência-IUL
Marta Rodrigues, Guedes, M., Olhero, S., Chefdor, A., Branco, A.C., Leite, M....Figueiredo-Pina, C.G. (2020). Development of free binder zirconia-based pastes for the production of dental pieces by robocasting. Journal of Manufacturing Processes. 57, 1-9, Ciência-IUL
Bru, J., Leite, M., Ribeiro, A., Luis Reis, AM Deus & M Fátima Vaz (2020). Bioinspired structures for core sandwich composites produced by fused deposition modelling. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials: Design and Applications. 234 (3), 379-393, Ciência-IUL
Leite, M. (2019). 0-3D Design method: a new design management technique to support Design for Manufacturing. Procedia CIRP., Ciência-IUL
Leite, M. (2019). Design for AM: Contributions from surface finish, part geometry and part positioning. Procedia CIRP., Ciência-IUL
Leite, M. (2019). Design for personalized medicine in orthotics and prosthetics. Procedia CIRP., Ciência-IUL
H Araújo, Leite, M., Ribeiro, A.M.R., AM Deus, Luis Reis & Vaz, M.F. (2019). Investigating the contribution of geometry on the failure of cellular core structures obtained by additive manufacturing. Frattura ed Integrita Strutturale. 13 (49), 478-486, Ciência-IUL
Leite, M. (2016). A road map for implementing lean and agile techniques in SMEs product development teams. Int. J. of Product Development., Ciência-IUL
Leite, M., da Silva, J. M. Vilas-Boas & Duarte de Almeida, I. (2013). Creative Teaching of New Product Development to Operations Managers. International Journal of Mechanical, Industrial Science and Engineering. 7, 146-152, Ciência-IUL
Leite, M., Madeira, J., Silva, J., Henriques, E. & Roth, R. (2012). Optimization of materials selection in a multi-part environment with direct multi-search. Civil-Comp Proceedings. 99, Ciência-IUL
Comunicações internacionais
Painel / Poster
Leite, M., Silva, A., Henriques, E., Roth, R. & Kirchain, R. (2010). Materials selection considering technical, economic and environmental performance. Poster Session presented at: Second Annual MIT-Portugal Program Conference: Creating Value through Systems Thinking., Ciência-IUL
Manuel Freitas, Freitas, R., Luis Reis, Leite, M. & Bin Li (2004). Analysis of failures due to the effects of the non-proportional multiaxial fatigue loadings. Poster Session presented at: First International Conference on Engineering Failure., Ciência-IUL
Apresentação oral
Leite, M., Silva, A., Madeira, J., Henriques, E. & Roth, R. (2012). Optimization of Materials Selection in a Multi-Part Environment with Direct Multi-Search. PROCEEDINGS OF THE ELEVENTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTATIONAL STRUCTURES TECHNOLOGY., Ciência-IUL
Leite, M., Silva, A. & Manuel Freitas (2005). Elastic Behaviour of Z Reinforced Sandwich Beams. Sandwich Structures 7: Advancing with Sandwich Structures and Materials. 271-280, Ciência-IUL
Leite, M., Silva, A. & Manuel Freitas (2004). Elastic behaviour of sandwich beams – part 1: Experimental study. 9th Portuguese Conference on Fracture., Ciência-IUL
Leite, M. (2004). Sandwich construction. Apresentação IST, DesignStudio., Ciência-IUL
Leite, M., Silva, A. & Manuel Freitas (2004). Elastic behaviour of reinforced sandwich beams. The Seventh International Conference on Computational Structures Technology., Ciência-IUL
Manuel Freitas, Luis Reis, Leite, M. & Bin Li (2003). Effects of the Non-Proportional Loading Path on the Fatigue Crack Path. FCP2003., Ciência-IUL