Joaquim José dos Santos Ramalho
- Perfil
- Atividades Académicas
- Atividades Científicas
- Outras Atividades
Tipo | Programa | Instituição | Ano |
Agregação | Economics | Universidade de Évora | 2010 |
Doutoramento | Economics | University of Bristol | 2002 |
Mestrado | Mathematics Applied to Economics and Business | ISEG-UTL | 1996 |
Licenciatura | Economics | Universidade de Évora | 1993 |
Unidades curriculares
Dissertação de Doutoramento
Flávio Morais, "The Puzzling Phenomenon of Zero-Leverage Firms: Characteristics and Performance of Unlevered Firms", Joaquim José dos Santos Ramalho, Dissertação de Doutoramento, Concluída, 2021
Hou Zheng, "Technological Change, Efficiency and Energy", Joaquim José dos Santos Ramalho, Dissertação de Doutoramento, Concluída, 2021
Ricardo Rodrigues, "O Governo das Sociedades e a sua Influência no Desempenho", Joaquim José dos Santos Ramalho, Dissertação de Doutoramento, Concluída, 2018
Cristina Pereira, "Estudos Sobre a Solidez do Sistema Bancário da OCDE: Crises Bancárias, Endividamento e Incumprimento no Período 1991 a 2009", Joaquim José dos Santos Ramalho, Dissertação de Doutoramento, Concluída, 2014
Rui Rita, "Impacto da Propriedade Familiar do Capital no Processo de Decisão de Financiamento das Empresas Portuguesas", Joaquim José dos Santos Ramalho, Dissertação de Doutoramento, Concluída, 2011
Nuno Ricardo Fialho Sanches Borges dos Santos, "Labour-Managed Firms in Portugal: An Empirical Analysis of Cooperatives Feasibility", Joaquim José dos Santos Ramalho, Dissertação de Doutoramento,
Dissertação de Mestrado
Rodrigo de Almeida Pereira, "O impacto da regulação de criptomoedas em Portugal", Joaquim José dos Santos Ramalho, Dissertação de Mestrado, Concluída, 2024
Gonçalo de Sousa Canavarro da Cunha e Sá, "Caracterização do Mercado de Arrendamento de Escritórios na Zona da Grande Lisboa", Joaquim José dos Santos Ramalho, Dissertação de Mestrado, Concluída, 2024
João Nunes Amorim, "Globalização e Comércio Local na Agricultura: Uma Análise em Dados Painel dos 27 países da União Europeia", Joaquim José dos Santos Ramalho, Dissertação de Mestrado, Concluída, 2023
Airton Ramos, "Modelo de Previsão de Insolvência para Pequenas e Médias Empresas em São Tomé e Príncipe", Joaquim José dos Santos Ramalho, Dissertação de Mestrado, Concluída, 2022
Gonçalo David Antunes Lopes dos Santos, "Determinantes das Estruturas de Capital das Empresas: Um Estudo Econométrico sobre o Impacto do Covid-19 nas Estruturas de Capital das Empresas de Turismo Portuguesas", Joaquim José dos Santos Ramalho, Dissertação de Mestrado, Concluída, 2022
Filipe Miguel Carvalho dos Santos Faria, "Determinantes da Estrutura de Capital e Liquidez das Empresas: Indústrias de Alta Intensidade em I&D na União Europeia", Joaquim José dos Santos Ramalho, Dissertação de Mestrado, Concluída, 2020
João Ricardo Pacífico Ramalho, "A Estrutura de Capitais das empresas de serviços: Uma análise comparativa das empresas mais e menos intensivas no uso do fator conhecimento", Joaquim José dos Santos Ramalho, Dissertação de Mestrado, Concluída, 2019
N'diê Hajek Nobre Saloum Sy, "Impactos do Investimento na Educação em São Tomé e Príncipe sobre o nível do IDE", Joaquim José dos Santos Ramalho, Dissertação de Mestrado, Concluída, 2018
Sandro D'Alva Trigueiros, "Investimento Directo Estrangeiro: Impacto de Grande Mobilidade de Capital Financeiro e Crescimento Económico de São Tomé e Príncipe", Joaquim José dos Santos Ramalho, Dissertação de Mestrado, Concluída, 2018
David Aas Correia, "PISA 2015: Student Achievement in Norway. A comparison between native and immigrant students", Joaquim José dos Santos Ramalho, Dissertação de Mestrado, Concluída, 2018
Bhaswar Chakma, "Using Fractional Regression Models to Analyse the Determinants of Capital Structure and Efficiency of European Manufacturing Firms", Joaquim José dos Santos Ramalho, Dissertação de Mestrado, Concluída, 2017
Daria Gustova, "The impact of E-Government Strategy on Economic Growth and Social Development", Joaquim José dos Santos Ramalho, Dissertação de Mestrado, Concluída, 2017
Rita Isabel Correia Palma Raposo, "Economia Comportamental: O Impacto da Norma Social e da Informação nas Decisões de Consumo Energético dos Portugueses", Joaquim José dos Santos Ramalho, Dissertação de Mestrado, Concluída, 2017
Duarte Serrano, "Os Impactos da Actual Crise Financeira na Estrutura de Capitais das Empresas Portuguesas", Joaquim José dos Santos Ramalho, Dissertação de Mestrado, Concluída, 2014
Bruno Borges, "Exposição Cambial e o Efeito dos Instrumentos Financeiros de Gestão e Cobertura do Risco Cambial: Evidência Empírica das Empresas do PSI 20", Joaquim José dos Santos Ramalho, Dissertação de Mestrado, Concluída, 2014
Admilson Afonso, "O Financiamento e a Estrutura de Capitais das Empresas - Uma Comparação entre os Países do Sul da Europa e os Países da Escandinávia", Joaquim José dos Santos Ramalho, Dissertação de Mestrado, Concluída, 2012
Ana Calé, "Efeitos de Timing na Gestão dos Fundos de Investimento em Portugal", Joaquim José dos Santos Ramalho, Dissertação de Mestrado, Concluída, 2011
Marisa Sabino, "A Teoria dos Custos de Agência e a Teoria da ‘Pecking Order’: Evidência das 100 Maiores Empresas da Região de Leiria de 2006", Joaquim José dos Santos Ramalho, Dissertação de Mestrado, Concluída, 2010
Ana Cantarinha, "Comparação de Estimadores Alternativos para Modelos Dinâmicos com Dados de Painel", Joaquim José dos Santos Ramalho, Dissertação de Mestrado, Concluída, 2007
Beatriz Carvalho Alvadia, "O impacto do empoderamento feminino na transição para um sistema sociotécnico energético sustentável.", Joaquim José dos Santos Ramalho, Dissertação de Mestrado,
Pedro Tomás de Oliveira Antunes, "Automação, Capital e Trabalho Humano", Joaquim José dos Santos Ramalho, Dissertação de Mestrado,
Nancy Dewan, "null", Joaquim José dos Santos Ramalho, Dissertação de Mestrado,
Gonçalo Maria Nóbrega Ratão, "A Comparative Economic Analysis of Right-Wing Populist Governments in Eastern Europe", Joaquim José dos Santos Ramalho, Dissertação de Mestrado,
Maria Laura Inácio Cascalheira, "A Estrutura de Capital de Empresas dos Sectores de Transporte Aéreo e Marítimo: O Impacto da pandemia", Joaquim José dos Santos Ramalho, Dissertação de Mestrado,
Projecto final
Patrícia Margarida de Oliveira Monteiro, "Substituição das comunicações fixas e móveis: O caso português", Joaquim José dos Santos Ramalho, Projecto final, Concluída, 2018
Artigos Científicos em Revistas Internacionais
Morais, F., Serrasqueiro, Z. & Ramalho, J. J. S. (2024). The zero-leverage phenomenon in European listed firms: A financing decision or an imposition of the financial market?. BRQ Business Research Quarterly. 27 (3), 301-323, Ciência-IUL
Zheng, H., Roseta-Palma, C. & Ramalho, J. J. S. (2024). Can operational efficiency in the Portuguese electricity sector be improved? Yes, but... Energy Policy. 190, Ciência-IUL
Pereira, C., Ramalho, J. J. S. & Silva, J. V. (2023). How to measure banking regulation and supervision. Research in International Business and Finance. 66, Ciência-IUL
Morais, F., Serrasqueiro, Z. & Ramalho, J. J. S. (2022). Capital structure speed of adjustment heterogeneity across zero leverage and leveraged European firms. Research in International Business and Finance. 62, Ciência-IUL
Morais, F., Serrasqueiro, Z. & Ramalho, J. J. S. (2022). The heterogeneous effect of governance mechanisms on zero-leverage phenomenon across financial systems. Corporate Governance. 22 (1), 67-88, Ciência-IUL
Zheng, H., Roseta-Palma, C. & Ramalho, J. J. S. (2021). Does directed technological change favor energy? Firm-level evidence from Portugal. Energy Economics. 98, Ciência-IUL
Morais, F., Serrasqueiro, Z. & Ramalho, J. J. S. (2020). The zero-leverage phenomenon: a bivariate probit with partial observability approach. Research in International Business and Finance. 53, Ciência-IUL
Stephan, U., Tavares, S. M., Carvalho, H., Ramalho, J. J. S., Santos, S. C. & van Veldhoven, M. (2020). Self-employment and eudaimonic well-being: Energized by meaning, enabled by societal legitimacy. Journal of Business Venturing. 35 (6), Ciência-IUL
Zheng, H., Roseta-Palma, C. & Ramalho, J. J. S. (2020). Directed technological change, energy and more: a modern story. Environment and Development Economics. 26 (6), 611-633, Ciência-IUL
Pedro, C. P., Ramalho, J. J. S. & Silva, J. V. (2018). The main determinants of banking crises in OECD countries. Review of World Economics. 154 (1), 203-227, Ciência-IUL
Ramalho, E. A., Ramalho, J. J. S. & Coelho, L. M. S. (2018). Exponential regression of fractional-response fixed-effects models with an application to firm capital structure. Journal of Econometric Methods. 7 (1), Ciência-IUL
Murillo, K., Rocha, E. M. & Ramalho, J. J. S. (2018). About the efficiency behavior of the Portuguese manufacturing firms during the financial crisis. Libertas Mathematica (new series). 38 (1), 17-44, Ciência-IUL
Ramalho, J. J. S., Rita, R. M. S. & da Silva, J. V. (2018). The impact of family ownership on capital structure of firms: exploring the role of zero-leverage, size, location and the global financial crisis. International Small Business Journal. 36 (5), 574-604, Ciência-IUL
Ramalho, E. A., Ramalho, J. J. S. & Evangelista, R. (2017). Combining micro and macro data in hedonic price indexes. Statistical Methods and Applications. 26 (2), 317-332, Ciência-IUL
Ramalho, E. A. & Ramalho, J. J. S. (2017). Moment-based estimation of nonlinear regression models with boundary outcomes and endogeneity, with applications to nonnegative and fractional responses. Econometric Reviews. 36 (4), 397-420, Ciência-IUL
Barreira, A. P., Ramalho, J. J. S., Panagopoulos, T. & Guimarães, M. H. (2017). Factors driving the population growth and decline of Portuguese cities. Growth and Change. 48 (4), 853-868, Ciência-IUL
Murteira, J. M. R. & Ramalho, J. J. S. (2016). Regression analysis of multivariate fractional data. Econometric Reviews. 35 (4), 515-552, Ciência-IUL
Bastos, J. A. & Ramalho, J. J. S. (2016). Nonparametric models of financial leverage decisions. Bulletin of Economic Research. 68 (4), 348-366, Ciência-IUL
Ramalho, E. A., Ramalho, J. J. S. & Murteira, J. M. R. (2014). A generalized goodness-of-functional form test for binary and fractional regression models. The Manchester School. 82 (4), 488-507, Ciência-IUL
Ramalho, E.A. & Ramalho, J. J. S. (2014). Convenient links for the estimation of hedonic price indexes: the case of unique, infrequently traded assets. Statistica Neerlandica. 68 (2), 91-117, Ciência-IUL
Brito, D., Pereira, P., Pereira, P. & Ramalho, J. J. S. (2013). Mergers, coordinated effects and efficiency in the Portuguese non-life insurance industry. International Journal of Industrial Organization. 31 (5), 554-568, Ciência-IUL
Ramalho, J. J. S. & Silva, J. V. (2013). Functional form issues in the regression analysis of financial leverage ratios. Empirical Economics. 44 (2), 799-831, Ciência-IUL
Murteira, J. M. R., Ramalho, E. A. & Ramalho, J. J. S. (2013). Heteroskedasticity testing through a comparison of Wald statistics. Portuguese Economic Journal. 12 (2), 131-160, Ciência-IUL
Guggenberger, P., Ramalho, J. J. S. & Smith, R. J. (2012). GEL statistics under weak identification. Journal of Econometrics. 170 (2), 331-349, Ciência-IUL
Ramalho, E. A. & Ramalho, J. J. S. (2012). Alternative versions of the RESET test for binary response index models: a comparative study. Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics. 74 (1), 107-130, Ciência-IUL
Ramalho, E. A., Ramalho, J. J. S. & Murteira, J. M. R. (2012). A supremum-type RESET test for binary choice models. Economics Bulletin. 32 (1), 905-912, Ciência-IUL
Ramalho, E. A., Ramalho, J. J. S. & Murteira, J. M. R. (2011). Alternative estimating and testing empirical strategies for fractional regression models. Journal of Economic Surveys. 25 (1), 19-68, Ciência-IUL
Ramalho, E. A., Ramalho, J. J. S. & Henriques, P. D. (2010). Fractional regression models for second stage DEA efficiency analyses. Journal of Productivity Analysis. 34 (3), 239-255, Ciência-IUL
Ramalho, E.A. & Ramalho, J.J.S. (2010). Is neglected heterogeneity really an issue in binary and fractional regression models? A simulation exercise for logit, probit and loglog models. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis. 54 (4), 987-1001, Ciência-IUL
Ramalho, J. J. S. & Silva, J. V. (2009). A two-part fractional regression model for the financial leverage decisions of micro, small, medium and large firms. Quantitative Finance. 9 (5), 621-636, Ciência-IUL
Ramalho, J. J. S. (2009). A test statistic equation for obtaining alternative Wald and score statistics in the generalized method of moments framework. Applied Economics Letters. 16 (5), 489-494, Ciência-IUL
Ramalho, E. A. & Ramalho, J. J. S. (2007). On the weighted maximum likelihood estimator for endogenous stratified samples when the population strata probabilities are unknown. Applied Economics Letters. 14 (3), 171-174, Ciência-IUL
Ramalho, E. A. & Ramalho, J. J. S. (2006). Bias-corrected moment-based estimators for parametric models under endogenous stratified sampling. Econometric Reviews. 25 (4), 475-496, Ciência-IUL
Ramalho, J. J. S. (2006). Bootstrap bias-adjusted GMM estimators. Economics Letters. 92 (1), 149-155, Ciência-IUL
Ramalho, E. A. & Ramalho, J. J. S. (2006). Two-step empirical likelihood estimation under stratified sampling when aggregate information is available. The Manchester School. 74 (5), 577-592, Ciência-IUL
Baptista, J. A. G., Ramalho, J. J. S. & Silva, J. V. (2006). Understanding the microenterprise sector to design a tailor-made microfinance policy for Cape Verde. Portuguese Economic Journal. 5 (3), 225-241, Ciência-IUL
Ramalho, J. J. S. (2005). Feasible bias-corrected OLS, within-groups, and first-differences estimators for typical micro and macro AR(1) panel data models. Empirical Economics. 30 (3), 735-748, Ciência-IUL
Ramalho, J. J. S. (2005). Small sample bias of alternative estimation methods for moment condition models: Monte Carlo evidence for covariance structures. Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics. 9 (1), Ciência-IUL
Ramalho, J. J. S. & Smith, R. J. (2002). Generalized empirical likelihood non-nested tests. Journal of Econometrics. 107 (1-2), 99-125, Ciência-IUL
Ramalho, J. (1997). Testes de especificação para modelos de regressão para dados de contagem. Estudo de simulação sobre a aplicação de testes de hipóteses não encaixadas. Revista de Economia. 21, 67-91, Ciência-IUL
Capítulos de Livros
Morais, F., Serrasqueiro, Z. & Ramalho, J.J.S. (2020). Zero-Leverage in European Firms: The Role of Corporate Governance Mechanisms on the Phenomenon. In Handbook of Research on Accounting and Financial Studies. (pp. 227-251).: IGI Global., Ciência-IUL
Ramalho, J.J.S. (2019). Modeling fractional responses using R. In Handbook of Statistics., Ciência-IUL
Silva, J. V., Pereira, C. & Ramalho, J.J.S. (2017). Crises bancárias: caracterização, efeitos e factos. In A. Santos; E. Cardadeiro; P.V. Matos. (Ed.), Estudos de Homenagem ao Professor José Amado da Silva. (pp. 317-348).: Sílabas & Desafios., Ciência-IUL
Newey, W.K., Ramalho, J.J.S. & Smith, R. J. (2005). Asymptotic bias for GMM and GEL estimators with estimated nuisance parameters. In Andrews, D.W.K.; Stock, J.H. (Ed.), Identification and Inference for Econometric Models: Essays in Honor of Thomas Rothenberg. (pp. 245-281).: Cambridge University Press., Ciência-IUL
Comunicações internacionais
Apresentação oral
Morais, F., Serrasqueiro, Z. & Ramalho, J.J.S. (2024). Zero leverage and firm performance: when nothing is better. 33rd Annual Meeting of the European Financial Management Association., Ciência-IUL
Morais, F., Serrasqueiro, Z. & Ramalho, J.J.S. (2024). How sustainable development affect zero leverage? A debt demand and supply perspective. XXXIII Jornadas Luso-Espanholas de Gestão Científica., Ciência-IUL
Morais, F., Serrasqueiro, Z. & Ramalho, J.J.S. (2023). Zero leverage and firm performance: when nothing is better. 12th Portuguese Finance Network Conference., Ciência-IUL
Morais, F., Marques, L., Serrasqueiro, Z. & Ramalho, J.J.S. (2023). How sustainable development affect zero leverage? A debt demand and supply perspective. XXV Seminário Luso-Espanhol de Economia Empresarial., Ciência-IUL
Morais, F., Marques, L., Serrasqueiro, Z. & Ramalho, J.J.S. (2022). Zero Leverage on SMEs: Is Sustainable Development Influencing the Phenomenon?. 29th Annual Global Finance Conference., Ciência-IUL
Morais, F., Serrasqueiro, Z. & Ramalho, J.J.S. (2021). Zero leverage and firm performance: when nothing is better. 28th Annual Global Finance Conference., Ciência-IUL
Morais, F., Serrasqueiro, Z. & Ramalho, J.J.S. (2021). Capital structure speed of adjustment heterogeneity across zero-leverage and leveraged European firms. 11th Portuguese Finance Network Conference., Ciência-IUL
Pereira, C., Ramalho, J.J.S. & Silva, J. V. (2021). How to measure banking regulation and supervision. World Finance Conference 2021., Ciência-IUL
Pereira, C., Ramalho, J.J.S. & Silva, J. V. (2021). How to measure banking regulation and supervision. 14th Annual Meeting of the Portuguese Economic Journal., Ciência-IUL
Morais, F., Serrasqueiro, Z. & Ramalho, J.J.S. (2019). The effect of corporate governance structures on zero-leverage phenomenon. XXI Seminário Luso-Espanhol de Economia Empresarial., Ciência-IUL
Morais, F., Serrasqueiro, Z. & Ramalho, J.J.S. (2019). The zero-leverage phenomenon in European listed firms: a financing decision or an imposition of the financial market?. 28th Annual European Financial Management Association Meeting., Ciência-IUL
Zheng, H., Roseta-Palma, C. & Ramalho, J.J.S. (2019). A stochastic frontier analysis: how is directed technological change biased at macro level?. INFER Workshop: Economic Development thinking the Environment., Ciência-IUL
Zheng, H., Roseta-Palma, C. & Ramalho, J.J.S. (2019). Firm-level evidence on directed technological change involving energy input in Portugal. 4th Annual APEEN Conference., Ciência-IUL
Monteiro, H., Rita Martins, Ramalho, J.J.S. & Ramalho, E.A. (2018). Are ill-informed residential water consumers less price-responsive?. 6th World Congress of Environmental and Resource Economists., Ciência-IUL
Monteiro, H., Rita Martins, Ramalho, J.J.S. & Esmeralda Ramalho (2016). The impact of price and consumption awareness on residential water demand. 22nd Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists., Ciência-IUL
Monteiro, H., Rita Martins, Ramalho, J.J.S. & Esmeralda Ramalho (2016). The impact of price and consumption awareness on residential water demand. VII Conference of the Spanish-Portuguese Association of Resources and Environmental Economics., Ciência-IUL
Pereira, C., Ramalho, J.J.S. & Silva, J. V. (2016). The main determinants of banking crises in OECD countries. World Finance Conference., Ciência-IUL
Ramalho, E.A. & Ramalho, J.J.S. (2015). Exponential regression of panel data fractional response models. 2nd Annual Conference of the International Association for Applied Econometrics., Ciência-IUL
Ramalho, E.A. & Ramalho, J.J.S. (2015). Exponential regression of panel data fractional response models. 11th World Congress of the Econometric Society., Ciência-IUL
Bastos, J.A. & Ramalho, J.J.S. (2015). Nonparametric models of financial leverage decisions. 2nd Annual Conference of the International Association for Applied Econometrics., Ciência-IUL
Pereira, C., Ramalho, J.J.S. & Silva, J. V. (2014). The main determinants of banking crises and the fragility of regulation: evidence from OECD countries. 8th Portuguese Finance Network Conference., Ciência-IUL
Ramalho, J.J.S., Rita, R. & Silva, J. V. (2014). The impact of family ownership and firm size on capital structure decisions. 8th Portuguese Finance Network Conference., Ciência-IUL
Pereira, C., Ramalho, J.J.S. & Silva, J. V. (2014). The main determinants of banking crises and the fragility of regulation: evidence from OECD countries. 8th Annual Meeting of the Portuguese Economic Journal., Ciência-IUL
Ramalho, E.A. & Ramalho, J.J.S. (2013). Moment-based estimation of nonlinear regression models under unobserved heterogeneity, with applications to non-negative and fractional responses. 7th Annual Meeting of the Portuguese Economic Journal., Ciência-IUL
Ramalho, E.A. & Ramalho, J.J.S. (2013). Hedonic functions, hedonic methods, estimation methods and Dutot and Jevons house price indexes: are there any links?. 7th Annual Meeting of the Portuguese Economic Journal., Ciência-IUL
Murteira, J.M.R. & Ramalho, J.J.S. (2013). Regression analysis of multivariate fractional data. Royal Economic Society 2013 Annual Conference., Ciência-IUL
Ramalho, E.A. & Ramalho, J.J.S. (2013). Moment-based estimation of nonlinear regression models under unobserved heterogeneity, with applications to non-negative and fractional responses. 67th European Meeting of the Econometric Society., Ciência-IUL
Brito, D., Pereira, P. & Ramalho, J.J.S. (2013). Mergers, coordinated effects and efficiency in the Portuguese non-life insurance industry. 11th Annual International Industrial Organization Conference., Ciência-IUL
Ramalho, E.A., Ramalho, J.J.S. & Murteira, J.M.R. (2013). A generalized goodness-of-functional form test for binary and fractional regression models. 67th European Meeting of the Econometric Society., Ciência-IUL
Ramalho, E.A. & Ramalho, J.J.S. (2012). Hedonic functions, hedonic methods, estimation methods and Dutot and Jevons house price indexes: are there any links?. 18th International Conference on Computing in Economics and Finance., Ciência-IUL
Rita, R., Ramalho, J.J.S. & Silva, J. V. (2012). The impact of family control and size on capital structure decisions. XXVI Annual Conference of the European Academy of Management and Business Economics., Ciência-IUL
Ramalho, E.A. & Ramalho, J.J.S. (2012). Hedonic functions, hedonic methods, estimation methods and Dutot and Jevons house price indexes: are there any links?. 2012 AsRES / AREUEA Joint International Conference., Ciência-IUL
Murteira, J.M.R. & Ramalho, J.J.S. (2012). Regression analysis of multivariate fractional data. 66th European Meeting of the Econometric Society., Ciência-IUL
Murteira, J.M.R. & Ramalho, J.J.S. (2012). Regression analysis of multivariate fractional data. 6th Annual Meeting of the Portuguese Economic Journal., Ciência-IUL
Brito, D., Pereira, P. & Ramalho, J.J.S. (2012). Mergers, coordinated effects and efficiency in the Portuguese non-life insurance industry. 39th Conference of the European Association for Research in Industrial Economics., Ciência-IUL
Guggenberger, P., Ramalho, J.J.S. & Smith, R. J. (2011). GEL statistics under weak identification. 21st New Zealand Econometric Study Group Meeting., Ciência-IUL
Ramalho, E.A. & Ramalho, J.J.S. (2011). Dutot and Jevons hedonic house price indexes: functional forms and methods. 58th World Statistics Congress of the International Statistical Institute (ISI)., Ciência-IUL
Ramalho, E.A. & Ramalho, J.J.S. (2011). Dutot and Jevons hedonic house price indexes: an integrated approach on functional forms and methods. 26th Annual Congress of the European Economic Association., Ciência-IUL
Murteira, J.M.R. & Ramalho, J.J.S. (2011). Regression analysis of multivariate fractional data. ASSET Annual Meeting., Ciência-IUL
Murteira, J.M.R. & Ramalho, J.J.S. (2011). Regression analysis of multivariate fractional data. 5th CSDA International Conference on Computational and Financial Econometrics., Ciência-IUL
Ramalho, E.A. & Ramalho, J.J.S. (2011). Alternative versions of the RESET test for binary response index models: a comparative study. 19th Symposium of the Society for Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics., Ciência-IUL
Ramalho, E.A. & Ramalho, J.J.S. (2011). Empirical issues on the econometrics of hedonic house price indexes. Workshop on Residential Property Price Indices., Ciência-IUL
Ramalho, E.A., Ramalho, J.J.S. & Murteira, J.M.R. (2010). Alternative versions of the RESET test for binary response index models: a comparative study. 16th International Conference on Computing in Economics and Finance., Ciência-IUL
Ramalho, E.A., Ramalho, J.J.S. & Murteira, J.M.R. (2010). Alternative versions of the RESET test for binary response index models: a comparative study. 25th Annual Congress of the European Economic Association., Ciência-IUL
Ramalho, E.A. & Ramalho, J.J.S. (2010). Alternative versions of the RESET test for binary response index models: a comparative study. 3rd International Conference of the ERCIM Working Group on Computing & Statistics., Ciência-IUL
Ramalho, E.A., Ramalho, J.J.S. & Henriques, P.D. (2010). Fractional regression models for second stage DEA efficiency analyses. 4th Annual Meeting of the Portuguese Economic Journal., Ciência-IUL
Ramalho, E.A., Ramalho, J.J.S. & Henriques, P.D. (2010). Fractional regression models for second stage DEA efficiency analyses. EURO XXIV – 24th European Conference on Operational Research., Ciência-IUL
Ramalho, E.A., Ramalho, J.J.S. & Henriques, P.D. (2010). Fractional regression models for second stage DEA efficiency analyses. 16th International Conference on Computing in Economics and Finance., Ciência-IUL
Ramalho, E.A., Ramalho, J.J.S. & Henriques, P.D. (2010). Fractional regression models for second stage DEA efficiency analyses. 4th CSDA International Conference on Computational and Financial Econometrics., Ciência-IUL
Murteira, J.M.R., Ramalho, E.A. & Ramalho, J.J.S. (2010). A new class of conditional mean tests for binary regression models. 4th CSDA International Conference on Computational and Financial Econometrics., Ciência-IUL
Ramalho, E.A., Ramalho, J.J.S. & Murteira, J.M.R. (2009). Alternative estimating and testing empirical strategies for fractional regression models. 3rd International Workshop on Computational and Financial Econometrics., Ciência-IUL
Ramalho, E.A., Ramalho, J.J.S. & Murteira, J.M.R. (2009). Alternative estimating and testing empirical strategies for fractional regression models. 64th European Meeting of the Econometric Society., Ciência-IUL
Ramalho, E.A., Ramalho, J.J.S. & Murteira, J.M.R. (2008). Fractional regression models: a Monte Carlo analysis of alternative estimating and testing empirical strategies. 14th International Conference on Computing in Economics and Finance., Ciência-IUL
Ramalho, E.A., Ramalho, J.J.S. & Murteira, J.M.R. (2008). Alternative estimating and testing empirical strategies for fractional regression models. 2nd Annual Meeting of the Portuguese Economic Journal., Ciência-IUL
Guggenberger, P., Ramalho, J.J.S. & Smith, R. J. (2008). GEL Pearson-type tests under weak identification. 63rd European Meeting of the Econometric Society., Ciência-IUL
Ramalho, J.J.S. & Silva, J. V. (2008). A two-part fractional regression model for capital structure choices. 2nd International Workshop on Computational and Financial Econometrics., Ciência-IUL
Ramalho, J.J.S. & Silva, J. V. (2007). A two-part fractional regression model for capital structure choices. 1st Annual Meeting of the Portuguese Economic Journal., Ciência-IUL
Guggenberger, P., Ramalho, J.J.S. & Smith, R. J. (2007). GEL Pearson-type tests under weak identification. CIREQ Conference on Generalized Method of Moments., Ciência-IUL
Ramalho, E.A. & Ramalho, J.J.S. (2006). Bias-corrected moment-based estimators for parametric models under endogenous stratified sampling. 61th European Meeting of the Econometric Society., Ciência-IUL
Ramalho, J.J.S. & Silva, J. V. (2006). A two-part fractional regression model for capital structure choices. ASSET Annual Meeting., Ciência-IUL
Ramalho, E.A. & Ramalho, J.J.S. (2006). Bias-corrected moment-based estimators for parametric models under endogenous stratified sampling. ASSET Annual Meeting., Ciência-IUL
Ramalho, J.J.S. (2004). Feasible bias-corrected OLS, within-groups, and first-differences estimators for typical micro and macro AR(1) panel data models. 19th Annual Congress of the European Economic Association., Ciência-IUL
Ramalho, J.J.S. & Smith, R. J. (2003). Generalized empirical likelihood estimation and inference in stratified moment condition models. 7ª Conferência do CEMAPRE - Matemática Aplicada à Economia e à Gestão., Ciência-IUL
Ramalho, J.J.S. & Smith, R. J. (2002). Generalized empirical likelihood Pearson-type specification tests. 57th European Meeting of the Econometric Society., Ciência-IUL
Ramalho, J.J.S. (2001). Alternative estimation methods for moment condition models: small sample evidence. 56th European Meeting of the Econometric Society., Ciência-IUL
Ramalho, J.J.S. & Smith, R. J. (2000). Generalized empirical likelihood non-nested tests. 8th World Congress of the Econometric Society., Ciência-IUL
Comunicações nacionais
Apresentação oral
Monteiro, H., Rita Martins, Ramalho, J.J.S. & Esmeralda Ramalho (2016). The impact of price and consumption awareness on residential water demand. 10th Annual Meeting of the Portuguese Economic Journal., Ciência-IUL
Monteiro, H., Rita Martins, Ramalho, J.J.S. & Esmeralda Ramalho (2015). O impacto das perceções sobre preços e quantidades sobre a procura residencial de água. Encontro Nacional de Entidades Gestoras de Água e de Saneamento 2015., Ciência-IUL
Ramalho, E.A. & Ramalho, J.J.S. (2012). Moment-based estimation of nonlinear regression models under unobserved heterogeneity. First Meeting of the Portuguese Econometric Society., Ciência-IUL
Murteira, J.M.R. & Ramalho, J.J.S. (2012). Regression analysis of multivariate fractional data. First Meeting of the Portuguese Econometric Society., Ciência-IUL
Ramalho, J.J.S. (1997). Testes de especificação para modelos de regressão para dados de contagem - Estudo de simulação sobre a aplicação de testes de hipóteses não encaixadas. 5ª Conferência do CEMAPRE - Matemática Aplicada à Economia e à Gestão., Ciência-IUL
Ramalho, J.J.S. (1997). Aplicação de testes de hipóteses não encaixadas a modelos de regressão para dados de contagem truncados. V Congresso Anual da Sociedade Portuguesa de Estatística., Ciência-IUL
Organização e coordenação de eventos
8th Advances in Tourism Marketing Conference, (2019), (Internacional)
10th Portuguese Finance Network Conference, (2018), (Internacional)
7th Advances in Tourism Marketing Conference, (2017), (Internacional)
24th APDR Congress, (2017), (Internacional)
9th Portuguese Finance Network Conference, (2016), (Internacional)
8th Portuguese Finance Network Conference, (2014), (Internacional)
20th APDR Congress, (2014), (Internacional)
5th Advances in Tourism Marketing Conference, (2013), (Internacional)
Conference on Robust Econometric Methods for Modelling Economic and Financial Variables, (2012), (Internacional)
First Meeting of the Portuguese Econometric Society, (2012),
Annual Meeting of the Association of Southern European Economic Theorists (ASSET), (2011), (Internacional)
Second Annual Meeting of the Portuguese Economic Journal, (2008), Membro de comissão organizadora de evento científico (Internacional)
CEFAGE Workshops: Perspectivas da Investigação em Portugal. 1º Painel: Econometria, Universidade de Évora, (2007), Membro de comissão organizadora de evento científico
Cargos de Gestão Académica
Presidente (2023, 2027)
Director (2023, 2027)
Presidente (2023, 2027)
Membro (Docente) (2019, 2023)
Presidente (2019, 2023)
Presidente (2019, 2023)
Membro (Docente) (2019, 2023)
Sub-diretor (2018, 2019)
Director (2017, 2019)
Coordenador de ECTS (2017, 2018)