

Catarina Delgado
 Ala Autónoma, Gabinete 236


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6 Anos
30 jul 2020
Registo DGES
Registo inicial R/A-Ef 1050/2011 de 18-03-2011
Registo de alteração R/A-Ef 1050/2011/AL01 de 01-09-2014 | R/A-Ef 1050/2011/AL02 de 16-03-2016 | R/A-Ef 1050/2011/AL03 de 25-05-2018
De momento, as vagas para este curso estão todas preenchidas
Leccionado em Inglês
Tipo de ensino Presencial
Fase Início Fim Vagas Taxa de Candidatura Taxa de Reserva UE Taxa de Reserva fora da UE
1.ª fase 2023-12-18 00:01 2024-01-31 17:00 35 70 € 500 € 1200 €
2.ª fase 2024-02-01 00:01 2024-03-20 17:00 70 € 500 € 1200 €
3.ª fase 2024-03-21 00:01 2024-05-15 17:00 70 € 500 € 1200 €
4.ª fase 2024-05-16 00:01 2024-07-10 17:00 70 € 500 € 1200 €
5.ª fase 2024-07-11 00:01 2024-08-28 17:00 70 € 500 € 1200 €
Os cursos podem oferecer todas as vagas na primeira fase ou distribuí-las por fase. As vagas não ocupadas numa fase transitam para a fase seguinte. A abertura da fase seguinte de candidatura está condicionada à existência de vagas.


 A Bachelors degree awarded by a university or institution of higher education in an area that shows suitable preparation for the MSc in Economics

 Proficiency in the English language

Note: The results of an applicant's GMAT or GRE exam, although not obligatory, may enhance their chances of being admitted

Procedimentos para candidatura


 Check the selection and ranking criteria HERE

 The application is exclusively online.

 It is mandatory to attach the following documents:

- Photo (passport-style in jpg, jpeg or png format)

- Identification document (national identity card for national applicants and passport for international applicants

- Undergraduate's degree diploma with final GPA*

- Curriculum vitae

- Master's goal statement (max. 2500 characters, to be submitted in the applications' system directly);

*Candidates who have not finished the undergraduate’s degree must attach:

- A commitment statement (download available in the application form);

- A transcript of records with the list of completed courses and respective grades (an image from your student portal is accepted).


 IMPORTANT - Selections are made on a rolling basis from the moment the application period opens.  We therefore encourage early applications.

 The selection process involves four separate stages which are outlined below:

1. Initial Assessment

After completing the online application and paying the non-refundable fee, the application will be assessed by the members of the Application Review Committee.

2. Interview

During the Initial Assessment period, the candidate may be called for an interview with the Master's Director or another member of the Application Review Committee.

3. Decision

All applicants will be notified of the decision. The results will be sent by email and will be available on the application portal.

4. Enrolment

In the event of admission, candidates will be informed of the enrolment process. They will be given a deadline to enroll (thus confirming their place on the Master's programme). Please note that admitted candidates will have to pay the first instalment of tuition fees by the deadline after enrolment.


The enrolment and registration of admitted candidates is subject to the payment of the reservation fee.

Estudante internacional:

deve proceder ao pagamento integral da propina pouco após a admissão ao Programa/Mestrado não estando disponível o pagamento em prestações.