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6 Anos
31 jul 2024
Registo DGES
Registo inicial R/A-Ef 1067/2011 de 18-03-2011
Registo de alteração R/A-Ef 1067/2011/AL05
Leccionado em Inglês
Tipo de ensino Presencial


 The MSc in International Management has an employment rate of 100% up to 12 months after completion of Programme. The sectors most represented in the recruit of masters graduates are the Industry & Energy, Consulting & Audit, Health & Pharmaceutical Services, and Trade & Industry. These ranges of sectors, some of the major recruiters are Johnson & Johnson, EDP, and Fidelidade – Caixa Geral de Depósitos

 98% Iscte Business School Employability Rate

 98% of Iscte Business School 2nd cycle graduates are in professions adjusted / appropriate to the level of qualifications

Employers are overall very satisfied with Iscte graduates: 2nd cycle - 4.6 (scale 1 to 5)
